Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) GOES Magnetospheric Energetic Particle Data Lists ========================================================================== GOES ascii data files use the file naming convention 'Gp' for Primary and 'Gs' for Secondary GOES data. ========================================================================== This directory contains GOES Magnetospheric Energetic Particle Data Lists with 1-min data for the SWPC primary and secondary GOES satellites. The files are updated every 1-minute. Files with no date in the filename contain data for the last 2 hours. Users retrieving data frequently are asked to use these files. The file format follows a standard data list conventions where header lines start with either # or :. Filenames include a 'p' for the Primary and 's' for the Secondary SWPC GOES satellite. The satellite number, i.e. GOES-15, is in the Data List file header. Naming Convention: e.g. Gp_magnetospheric_particles_ts1.txt - This is the file for telescope 1 from the Primary GOES satellite for particles. There are nine telescopes for each detector. Date/times Dates are shown as year month day (2006 02 06) and an SWPC "Modified Julian Day (MJD). The SWPC MJD for Jan 1, 2004 is 53005 Time is shown as HourMin (1900) and seconds of the day (68400) See the SWPC GOES Satellite News web page GOES data are archived at the National Geophysical Data Center ****************************************************************** ** Please read the SWPC Disclaimer at ** ****************************************************************** SWPC provides near-real-time and recent data, solar and geomagnetic indices and solar event reports created from preliminary reports. Preliminary data may contain errors or be revised after further review. The historical products in this SWPC Warehouse are the preliminary reports as originally published. SWPC does not encourage the use of preliminary data for research purposes. Links to on-line data at SWPC and archive sites with final data: ****************************************************************** Please send comments and questions to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of SWPC Magnetospheric Particle Text Lists The Magnetospheric Electron Detector (MAGED) and Magnetospheric Proton Detector (MAGPD) each consist of nine identical solid-state-detector telescopes (numbered 1-9), oriented in different directions. Each telescope measures a spectrum of electrons or protons in five energy channels. Electrons: E1 30-50 keV center = 40 keV E2 50-100 keV center = 75 keV E3 100-200 keV center = 150 keV E4 200-350 keV center = 275 keV E5 350-600 keV center = 475 keV Protons: P1 80-110 keV center = 95 keV P2 110-170 keV center = 140 keV P3 170-250 keV center = 210 keV P4 250-350 keV center = 300 keV P5 350-800 keV center = 575 keV The measured count rates are corrected for dead time and converted to fluxes. The 1-minute averages are corrected for contamination by the other species (electrons by protons, protons by electrons). The orientation of the spacecraft is indicated every 5 minutes by a ‘0’ or a ‘1’. Knowing the orientation of the spacecraft and the number of the telescope, the central pitch angle for a telescope can be calculated from the 1-minute magnetic field Hp, He and Hn components measured by the same satellite. Given: s35 = sin(35 deg) c35 = cos(35 deg) s70 = sin(70 deg) c70 = cos(70 deg) If the orientation flag is ‘0’: Pitch angle (telescope 1) = arccos(He/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 2) = arccos(( s35*Hn + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 3) = arccos((-s70*Hn + c70*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 4) = arccos((-s35*Hn + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 5) = arccos(( s70*Hn + c70*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 6) = arccos((-s35*Hp + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 7) = arccos(( s70*Hp + c70*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 8) = arccos(( s35*Hp + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 9) = arccos((-s70*Hp + c70*He)/Ht) If the orientation flag is ‘1’: Pitch angle (telescope 1) = arccos(He/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 2) = arccos((-s35*Hn + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 3) = arccos(( s70*Hn + c70*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 4) = arccos(( s35*Hn + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 5) = arccos((-s70*Hn + c70*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 6) = arccos(( s35*Hp + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 7) = arccos((-s70*Hp + c70*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 8) = arccos((-s35*Hp + c35*He)/Ht) Pitch angle (telescope 9) = arccos(( s70*Hp + c70*He)/Ht)