Information for: Young Adults | Parents | Business Partners

Information for Business Partners

For Your Information...

If you are an employer seeking well-trained, entry-level employees in your business, Job Corps is the ideal place to find them. Our students receive focused, hands-on career training, so hiring Job Corps graduates can provide your business with many unique benefits, including:

  • A constant source of new employees.
    Because Job Corps students create their own training timeline, our graduates are available to work at all times of the year.
  • Employees with training tailored to your company's needs.
    Establishing a training partnership allows Job Corps to teach the specific skills your company looks for in employees.
  • Employees that are motivated and ready to work. Learning a good work ethic is part of every Job Corps student's training.
  • Assistance in the employee selection process.
    When you need an entry-level employee, Job Corps will screen eligible students to give you the best possible candidates.

If you would like to find out more about how your company can partner with Job Corps to provide opportunities for today's youth, please contact

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Page last updated: Friday, October 12, 2012