Digest of United States Practice in International Law 2003

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In order to assist readers in locating the full text of documents that are excerpted in the 2003 Digest but readily accessible elsewhere, the volume includes citations to Internet or other public sources. This listing has been created for documents that are not readily available in hard copy or retrievable from elsewhere in electronic format.

List of Documents

CHAPTER 1: Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration

  1. U.S. Department of State telegram to all diplomatic and consular posts abroad concerning categories of persons in Burma subject to suspension of entry (June 10, 2003)
  2. U.S. Department of State telegram to all diplomatic and consular posts abroad on implementation of such suspension of entry providing definition of ?immediate family member? (September 17, 2003)

CHAPTER 2: Consular and Judicial Assistance and Related Issues

  1. Remarks by William H. Taft, IV, Legal Adviser of the Department of State before the National Association of Attorneys General, including the issue of consular notification (March 20, 2003)
  2. Letter from Catherine W. Brown, Assistant Legal Adviser for Consular Affairs, Department of State, to the Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General, in a case concerning the arrest of a Vietnamese national (December 2003)
  3. U.S Department of State telegram to all diplomatic and consular posts abroad containing guidance on requests by private American citizens for emergency protection in U.S. diplomatic and consular premises (October 2003)
  4. U.S. Department of State travel warning notifying of lack of consular services for Americans in Iraq (February 8, 2003)
  5. U.S. Department of State travel warning concerning available limited emergency consular services in Iraq following military action (July 15, 2003)
  6. U.S. Department of State telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City concerning consular notarial services relating to adoption of Mexican children already living in the U.S. (August 4, 2003)
  7. U.S. Department of State telegram to all diplomatic and consular posts abroad regarding participation in the Orphan First pilot program (June 26, 2003)
  8. Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States and Egypt concerning parental access to children (October 22, 2003)

CHAPTER 3: International Criminal Law

  1. Address by William H. Taft, IV, Legal Adviser of the Department of State, before the International Bar Association regarding U.S. and global response to international terrorism (September 18, 2003)
  2. U.S. petition for rehearing en banc in O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal v. Ashcroft (October 16, 2003)
  3. U.S. Response to Application for Production of Information in Prosecutor v. Odjanic in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (February 28, 2003)
  4. Address by William H. Taft, IV, Legal Adviser of the Department of State, to the Judicial Conference of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, concerning the International Criminal Court (May 13, 2003)

CHAPTER 4: Treaty Affairs

  1. Affidavit of Robert E. Dalton, Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, concerning the 1901 U.S.-Servia Extradition Treaty (December 19, 2003)
  2. U.S. diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru concerning Peru?s consent to be bound by the Multilateral Agreement on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation (December 22, 2003)
  3. Department of State letter to the U.S. Coast Guard on use of armed vessels by the Coast Guard on the Great Lakes
  4. Pro memoria note recording consultations between the United States and Canada on same (April 22, 2003)
  5. International Agreement between the United States and China concerning construction of new embassies in their respective capitals (November 17, 2003)

CHAPTER 5: Foreign Relations

  1. Letter from Secretary of State Colin L. Powell transmitting draft legislation to approve and implement the amended Compacts of Free Association between the United States and the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia, respectively (June 27, 2003)

CHAPTER 6: Human Rights

  1. Statement by Andre Surena at a hearing of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on issues relating to prisoners detained at Guant?namo Bay, Cuba (October 20, 2003)
  2. U.S. Statement on joining consensus on UNGA Resolution 165, ?International Covenants on Human Rights?
  3. Explanation of the U.S. vote on UNGA Resolution 172, ?The right to development? (December 22, 2003)
  4. Explanation of the U.S. vote on UNGA Resolution 186, ?The right to food? at the UN General Assembly (December 22, 2003)
  5. Explanation of the U.S. vote on UNGA Resolution 173, ?The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health? at the UN General Assembly (December 22, 2003)
  6. Explanation of the U.S. vote on UNGA Resolution 179, ?Access to medication in the context of pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria? at the UN General Assembly (December 22, 2003)
  7. U.S. amicus brief filed in the Ninth Circuit regarding the Alien Tort Statute in Doe v. Unocal (May 8, 2003)

CHAPTER 7: International Organizations and Multilateral Institutions

No Documents

CHAPTER 8: International Claims and State Responsibility

  1. Comments of the United States to the International Law Commission (May 16, 2003)
  2. Letter from Secretary of State Colin L. Powell responding to an inquiry from a U.S. claimant concerning the United Nations Compensation Commission in Geneva (July 18, 2003)
  3. U.S. letter brief filed in California state court in Taiheiyo Cement Corp. v. Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of Los Angeles (March 5, 2003)
  4. Supplemental amicus brief in same case (October 24, 2003)
  5. Letter from William E. Schuerch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of Treasury for Multilateral Development Banks and Specialized Development Institutions, concerning claims against Costa Rica (January 2, 2004)

CHAPTER 9: Diplomatic Relations, Succession, and Continuity of States

  1. U.S. memorandum to support motion to dismiss filed in Zivotofsky v. Secretary of State (December 22, 2003)

CHAPTER 10: Immunities and Related Issues

  1. U.S. brief filed in the D.C. Circuit Court in Acree v. Republic of Iraq (December 29, 2003)
  2. Suggestions of Immunity from suit in U.S. courts for foreign heads of state and government from Azerbaijan filed in Daventree Limited v. Republic of Azerbaijan
  3. Suggestion of Immunity for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Doe v. State of Israel
  4. Suggestions of Immunity filed on behalf of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in state and federal courts in Al Fassi v. King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz
  5. U.S. Statement of Interest filed in United for Peace and Justice v. City of New York regarding the use of the United Nations grounds (February 8, 2003)

CHAPTER 11: Trade, Commercial Relations, Investment, and Transportation

  1. U.S. amicus brief filed by the United States in Second Circuit in Ehrlich v. American Airlines, Inc. (August 15, 2003)
  2. Understanding Concerning Certain U.S. Bilateral Investment Treaties, signed by the U.S., the European Commission, and acceding and candidate countries for accession to the European Union (September 22, 2003)
  3. U.S. instrument of accession to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (August 1, 2003)
  4. Letter from Paul V. Kelly, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Department of State concerning the waiver of prohibitions on assistance and support with respect to Nicaragua (July 2003)

CHAPTER 12: Territorial Regimes and Related Issues

  1. Agreement signed by the U.S. and France regarding custody of the sunken French vessel La Belle (March 31, 2003)
  2. U.S. brief to the Eleventh Circuit regarding salvage operations in International Aircraft Recovery, L.L.C. v. Unidentified, Wrecked, and Abandoned Aircraft (August 2003)
  3. State Department telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta concerning archipelagic claims (August 8, 2003)
  4. U.S. statements on specific agenda items before the Legal Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

CHAPTER 13: Environmental and Other Transnational Scientific Issue

No Documents

CHAPTER 14: Educational and Cultural Issues

  1. Statement by Richard Terrell Miller, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organizations, Department of State, before Commission IV (Culture) of the UNESCO General Conference (October 17, 2003)

CHAPTER 15: Private International Law

  1. Letter from Jeffrey D. Kovar, Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law, in response to an inquiry from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners concerning enforcement of judgments (September 12, 2003)
  2. Memorandum prepared by the Office of Private International Law providing an overview of the UN Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade
  3. Remarks by Mary Helen Carlson, Office of Private International Law, before the Hague Conference Special Commission on Maintenance (May 2003)
  4. Letter from Mr. Kovar concerning compliance with the Hague Legalization Conventions by states of the United States (November 26, 2003)
  5. Circular note from Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to chiefs of mission in the United States on provision of certain judicial assistance (June 4, 2003)
  6. Letter from David Epstein, Director, Office of Foreign Litigation, Department of Justice, to Enrique Lagos, Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs, Organization of American States, on provision of certain judicial assistance (April 30, 2003)

CHAPTER 16: Sanctions

  1. Determination by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage concerning sanctions under the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 (August 25, 2003)

CHAPTER 17: International Conflict Resolution and Avoidance

No Documents

CHAPTER 18: Use of Force and Arms Control

  1. Memorandum from Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz regarding the dissolution of the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (June 16, 2003)
  2. Report submitted to Congress providing information relevant to the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (June 15, 2003)
  3. U.S. Response to Opinion No. 5/2003 of May 8, 2003 and the Communication of January 8, 2003 of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, UNHRC (August 2003)

-Digest of United States Practice in International Law 2003  [4579 Kb]


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