Cabezon Creek WSA, NM
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Abandoned Mine Lands

Abandoned Mine Lands

The Bureau of Land Management’s Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) program enhances public safety and improves water quality by reducing or eliminating the effects of past hardrock mining in the western United States. 

BLM maintains an inventory of known abandoned mine lands on public lands. Most of the sites are abandoned hardrock mines. As of February 23, 2011, the inventory contained nearly 31,000 sites and 65,000 features. Approximately 25% of the sites have either been remediated, have reclamation actions planned or underway, or do not require further action.  The remaining 75% require further investigation and/or remediation. The BLM and its partners are working on sharing and displaying AML spatial data within a National Mine Land Inventory.  Go to to view spatial data.   

BLM and its “Cooperative Conservation” partners mitigate hazards to protect public health and safety, and restore watersheds for resources, recreation, fish, and wildlife. The AML program helps restore the environment and improve safety for visitors and users of public lands.

Within the BLM, the AML program coordinates projects with the BLM's Hazardous Materials Management program.  Many AML sites have hazardous material features that need to be remediated.

Check out the AML program's At-A-Glance factsheet.  The factsheet provides a light overview of the program and our accomplishments.

Abandoned Mine Lands in the News

January 2012 - BLM teams up with Bat Conservation International for the Abandoned Mine Closure Website.  A great resource for literature and considerations for bats when closing mine features. 

August 19, 2011 - BLM targets Davis stamp mill for restoration (California).

May 2011 - Review the progress of ARRA AML projects in Nevada here.

August 19, 2010 - BLM releases an interim strategy on white-nose syndrome.  More information available at BLM's white-nose syndrome webpage here.

July 20, 2010 - Arizona - Great West Mine Secured (ARRA). BLM ARRA Website.

June 16, 2010 - California - Remote Lost Arch Historic Mining Camp benefits from ARRA funding. BLM ARRA Website.

March 3, 2010 - Arizona - Wickenburg Abandoned Mine Shafts Are Secured.  BLM ARRA Website.

February 17, 2009 - The BLM's AML program receives $29,750,000 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) funding.  Click here for more information.

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