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Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin
Libros Electrónicos sobre los Estados Unidos de Acceso Libre

Los Libros son publicaciones de la Oficina de Programas de Información Internacional del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos que analizan temas de importancia sobre la sociedad, la cultura , el pensamiento, las políticas y las instituciones estadounidenses.




  USA Elections in Brief Enero 2012
EE.UU. Elecciones en síntesis | USA Elections in Brief
Las elecciones libres y equitativas son la piedra angular de cualquier democracia. Son también un factor esencial para la transferencia pacífica del poder. Cuando los votantes eligen a sus representantes, escogen a los líderes que darán forma al futuro de su sociedad. Así, las elecciones confieren poder al ciudadano ordinario porque le permiten influir en la orientación futura de su gobierno y, por ende, en su propio futuro.

A Responsible Press Office Abril 2012
Una Oficina de Prensa Responsable en la Era Digital | A Responsible Press Office
Esta edición actualiza el manual publicado el año 2000 por IIP, titulado "Una oficina de prensa responsable: Guía para el conocedor", con esta publicación titulada "Una oficina de prensa responsable en la Era Digital", que explora las relaciones entre los funcionarios de gobierno y los modernos medios informativos y noticiosos. La publicación sirve de orientación a los encargados de las comunicaciones en las oficinas del gobierno, sobre cómo utilizar los medios sociales y digitales para informar al público con precisión y oportunidad sobre las políticas públicas, leyes, programas y actividades del gobierno.

Outline of the U.S. Economy, updated in 2012 Abril 2012
Outline of the U.S. Economy
This edition of Outline of the U.S. Economy, updated in 2012, offers historical context for understanding the interplay of individual economic decisions and the legal and political framework that surrounds them. It is a primer on how the U.S. economic system emerged, how it works and how it is shaped by American social values and political institutions.

Septiembre 2012
Women in the World Today
(Global Women’s Issues)
Women in the World Today shows how far we have come since 1995. Each chapter reflects one of the 12 points in the action plan we developed in Beijing. It also explores what we need to do now, so that all countries can fully benefit from the wisdom, compassion and energy women bring to every aspect of society.




  USA Economy in Brief Abril 2011
USA Economy in Brief
This 2011 revised edition shows how competition shapes the U.S. economy and reflects the never-ending debate through history about the proper role of government in the economy.

Global Water Issues Julio 2011
Global Water Issues
Global Water Issues explores the political, social and economic challenges presented by threats to Earth’s most vital natural resource. With a foreword by U.S. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Maria Otero, Global Water Issues describes how this ecological emergency affects population centers, human health, climate and food security.




  American Citizenship Enero 2010
American Citizenship
In the United States, government serves the citizens. It protects their constitutional rights, including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to equal protection under the law. This book depicts American citizens exercising the many rights and privileges that empower them to participate fully in the nation's political, economic, and cultural life.

American Lives, a brief look Marzo 2010
American Lives, a brief look.
This picture book depicts Americans at every stage of life, from children to senior citizens, at work, home, and play.

U.S.A. History in Brief, Learner English edition Abril 2010
U.S.A. History in Brief, Learner English edition (pdf) | Versión en html (incluye audio)
The first in a new series of books to help people learn the English language... and about the U.S.

La cultura popular y la realidad en Estados Unidos Junio 2010
La cultura popular y la realidad en Estados Unidos | Pop Culture versus Real America
La televisión y el cine de Estados Unidos promueven imágenes de los estadounidenses que están… muy… ¡equivocadas! La cultura popular y la realidad en Estados Unidos compara esas imágenes de la cultura popular con descripciones de estadounidenses de toda condición en la vida real.

My Town November 2010
My Town: Writers on American Cities
Features 12 American authors describing how the U.S. cities where they live contribute to their creativity. Pete Hamill offers a touching reminiscence of growing up in New York, Washington Post critic Jonathan Yardley introduces the reader to his hometown of Baltimore, and best-selling author Jonathan Kellerman describes "the sprawling, inchoate alternative-universe" that is Los Angeles. Also featured are portraits of Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans, Memphis, Miami, and Washington, D.C.

Outline of U.S. History November 2010
Outline of U.S. History (Updated)
A chronological look at how the United States took shape -- from its origins as an obscure set of colonies on the Atlantic coast a little more than 200 years ago into what one political analyst today calls "the first universal nation." This fully illustrated edition has been completely revised and updated by Alonzo L. Hamby, Distinguished Professor of History at Ohio University.

Media Law Handbook Diciembre 2010
Los Medios de Prensa y la Ley | Media Law Handbook
¿Cuáles son los privilegios y responsabilidades de la prensa libre? En la publicación “Los Medios de Prensa y la Ley”, Jane Kirtley, profesora de Ética en los Medios de Comunicación y Derecho en el Centro Silha, en la Universidad de Minnesota, explora cómo las sociedades libres responden a esta pregunta.




  Dreams of Edgar Allan Poe Enero 2009
Dreams of Edgar Allan Poe
Dreams of Edgar Allan Poe honors a giant of American literature. An essay by the acclaimed novelist and critic Diane Johnson explores Poe?s life and career. Excerpts from audio dramatizations bring 6 classic Poe stories to life. Formatted as a stylish PDF file, this special web publication is suitable for printing and framing.

Free At Last:  The U.S. Civil Rights Movement Enero 2009
Free At Last: The U.S. Civil Rights Movement
This book recounts how African-American slaves and their descendants struggled to win ? both in law and in practice ? the civil rights enjoyed by other Americans. It is a story of dignified persistence and struggle, a story that produced great heroes and heroines, and one that ultimately succeeded by forcing Americans to confront squarely the shameful gap between their universal principles of equality and justice and the inequality, injustice, and oppression faced by millions of their fellow citizens.

Obama in His Own Words Enero 2009
Obama in His Own Words
These pages share President Obama?s words with our global readership. This book includes the complete text of the 44th President?s Inaugural Address. Also featured are extended excerpts from eight other significant campaign and pre-presidential speeches. It is our hope that while the book itself is small, readers will discover that the vision captured in its pages is large. NEW! Receive daily highlights from this title.

Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom Febrero 2009
Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom
The year 2009 marks the bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the nation?s 16th president, and the man often considered its greatest leader. As the United States endured its greatest crisis, this self-educated common man supplied the leadership and the moral force that bound Americans together and carried them to victory. His vision spanned diplomacy and military strategy, political thought and elemental justice for all Americans --- including the African-American slaves he emancipated. The essays gathered here introduce readers to this ?best and most widely acclaimed of all Americans.?

Being Muslim in America Marzo 2009
Being Muslim in America
The young women pictured on our cover are both Muslim. They live near Detroit, Michigan, in a community with many Arab-American residents. Each expresses her faith in her own way, with a combination of traditional and modern dress. Here, they compete fiercely on the basketball court in a sport that blends individual skills and team effort. They - along with the other men, women, and children in this publication - demonstrate every day what it is like to be Muslim in America.

The Berlin Wall: 20 Years Later Septiembre 2009
The Berlin Wall: 20 Years Later
The Berlin Wall ? symbol of a divided city within a divided nation within a divided continent ? marked the geopolitical and ideological cleavage of Cold War Europe. Its demise marked the triumph of western models of personal autonomy and economic entrepreneurialism, and of the desire to live in freedom. Among the voices gathered here are those of leading scholars, a dissident from a time when dissent required real bravery, and a journalist who was there when the walls came down all through Eastern Europe.

Outline of the U.S. Economy Septiembre 2009
Outline of the U.S. Economy
The U.S. economy of the 21st century little resembles that of the 18th century, but acceptance of change and embrace of competition remain unchanged.




  Las Elecciones en Síntesis Enero 2008
Las Elecciones en Síntesis | USA Elections in Brief
Las elecciones libres y equitativas son la piedra angular de cualquier democracia y también son un factor esencial para la transferencia pacífica del poder.

Los Derechos Humanos en Síntesis Marzo 2008
Los Derechos Humanos en Síntesis | Human Rights in Brief
En todas las naciones civilizadas se hacen intentos por definir y reforzar los derechos humanos. La esencia de este concepto es la misma en todas partes: los derechos humanos son los que toda persona tiene por el simple hecho de ser humana; son derechos universales e igualitarios. Además, los derechos humanos son inalienables. Pueden ser suspendidos en ciertos momentos, ya sea acertada o erróneamente, pero la idea misma de esos derechos inherentes no puede ser suprimida. Nadie puede perder esos derechos, por lo mismo que no puede dejar de ser humano.

American Popular Music Agosto 2008
American Popular Music
American popular music is a kaleidoscopic mélange of styles and dreams. Its vibrancy reflects the mating of cultural diversity to artistic and creative freedom. The stories in this book illustrate how Americans, borrowing from diverse musical traditions, have contributed to humanity?s universal language.

USA Education In Brief Septiembre 2008
USA Education In Brief
USA Education in Brief covers the development of the public school movement, beginning with "common school," (the iconic little red schoolhouse) in the 18th century, through the Land-Grant university movement to the G.I. Bill of Rights and the civil rights movement which expanded educational opportunity to all U.S. citizens. Additional topics include 21st century challenges; civic, bilingual, and special education; foreign exchanges; and teaching democracy to a new generation.

Barack Obama: 44o presidente de Estados Unidos Noviembre 2008
Barack Obama: 44o presidente de Estados Unidos | Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States
Barack Obama, elegido el 44º presidente de Estados Unidos, ha vivido una verdadera vida estadounidense, al igual que ha abierto un nuevo capítulo en la política de Estados Unidos. Esta publicación narra la historia de la vida de Obama, describe cómo ganó la presidencia, así como representa su visión para el futuro. Además, introduce a los lectores con la familia Obama y con el nuevo vicepresidente, Joseph Biden.

Sketchbook USA Diciembre 2008
Sketchbook USA
ketchbook USA lavishly illustrates many aspects of American life. These excerpts depict Americans at work, at play, and engaging in civic activities. View the entire Sketchbook USA and all its many photographs here.




  Justicia para Todos:  El Legado de Thurgood Marshall Enero 2007
Justicia para Todos: El Legado de Thurgood Marshall | Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall
Fuera de Estados Unidos, el nombre de Thurgood Marshall puede no ser tan conocido como el de Martin Luther King Jr., su compañero en la lucha por los derechos civiles. Sin embargo, los logros de Marshall en la demolición de la estructura legal que sostenía la segregación racial en el sur de Norteamérica adelantaron la causa de los derechos civiles tan profundamente como lo hicieron las protestas no violentas lideradas por King.

Rachel Carson Marzo 2007
Rachel Carson: la Pluma Contra el Veneno | Rachel Carson: Pen Against Poison
Rachel Carson fue una mujer que planteó una controversia extraordinaria que perduró décadas después de su muerte. Su libro, publicado en 1962, Silent Spring (Primavera Silenciosa) llamó la atención del mundo a los daños que el mal uso de un peligroso pesticida causaba a los humanos y al medioambiente, con lo que incentivó el movimiento ambiental. En el centenario de su nacimiento, esta publicación examina cómo en ocasiones una historia en un libro con una idea potente puede llevar a cambios pacíficos pero dramáticos en una sociedad democrática.

La Historia de Estados Unidos, en Síntesis Marzo 2007
La Historia de Estados Unidos, en Síntesis | USA History in Brief
La historia de Estados Unidos ha sido un experimento en el ejercicio de la democracia desde hace más de 200 años. Las disyuntivas que enfrentó en sus primeros años siguen siendo abordadas y resueltas hoy: gobierno grande versus gobierno pequeño, derechos individuales versus derechos de grupo, capitalismo sin restricciones versus comercio y trabajo regulados, participación en el mundo versus aislacionismo.

La Literatura de EE.UU en Síntesis Mayo 2007
La Literatura de EE.UU en Síntesis | USA Literature in Brief
Esta publicación presenta un resumen histórico de la literatura estadounidense hasta los inicios del siglo XXI, e incluye también biografías cortas de los principales escritores en los temas de ficción, no ficción, drama y poesía.

La Economía de Estados Unidos, en Síntesis Julio 2007
La Economía de Estados Unidos, en Síntesis | USA Economy In Brief
Según varios tipos de medición, la economía de Estados Unidos sigue siendo una de las más productivas, competitivas e influyentes del mundo. Sin embargo, en sí misma, dicha economía está cada día más influida por las economías dinámicas de otros países. Por lo tanto, enfrenta desafíos en el ámbito interno y en el exterior.

Historians on America Septiembre 2007
Historians on America
Historians on America is a series of individual essays that selects specific moments, decisions, and intellectual or legislative or legal developments and explains how they altered the course of U.S. history. The book consists of 11 separate essays by major historians, ranging from The Trial of John Peter Zenger in 1735 to The Immigration Act of 1965.

USA Map with Facts in Brief Octubre 2007
USA Map with Facts in Brief
This publication includes plenty of facts and statistics about the United States -- its government, geography, environment, sports and entertainment, the economy and employment, education, transportation, and population.

La Iniciativa Empresarial Noviembre 2007
La Iniciativa Empresarial | Principles of Entrepreneurship
Esta página es la introducción a una serie sobre los fundamentos de la iniciativa empresarial. Trata sobre las bases para formar y operar una empresa desde sus etapas de planeación hasta la comercialización de un producto.

La Democracia en Síntesis Diciembre 2007
La Democracia en Síntesis | Democracy in Brief
El poder de la idea democrática ha prevalecido a lo largo de una historia prolongada y turbulenta, y el gobierno democrático, aunque sometido a constantes desafíos, sigue evolucionando y florece en todo el mundo.




  Focus On: Intellectual Property Rights Enero 2006
Focus On: Intellectual Property Rights | Essays by government, academic, and industry experts introduce intellectual property rights issues and key concepts -- patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and new forms of IP. Articles also explain why countries need effective intellectual property systems, and what governments in each region are doing to enforce IPR. Includes a glossary of IP terms, a list of print and Internet IP resources, and a separate resource list for children and young adults.

Edward R. Murrow: Periodismo en su Máxima Expresión Abril 2006
Edward R. Murrow: Periodismo en su Máxima Expresión | Edward R. Murrow: Journalism at Its Best
El prestigio de Edward R. Murrow como uno de los periodistas más célebres de Estados Unidos perdura mucho tiempo después de la muerte de ese personaje, víctima del cáncer de pulmón, a la edad de 57 años. Murrow llevaría al público de radio del país ? y más tarde a los televidentes ? historias convincentes a las que infundía vida por medio de la palabra y la imagen; él sabía describir los horrores de la guerra dentro y fuera del campo de batalla; fue capaz de desafiar a un miembro poderoso del Congreso de la nación en plena época del ?Espantajo Rojo? de los años 50; y, casi al final de su vida, fue llamado por el presidente de Estados Unidos a fin de que encabezara la campaña de la nación para ?contar al mundo la historia del país?.

Manual de Periodismo Independiente Julio 2006
Manual de Periodismo Independiente | Handbook of Independent Journalism
El periodismo es a la vez una profesión y un arte, pues los periodistas aplican habilidades especializadas y se someten a normas en común. Así pues, ¿qué hace del periodismo algo distinto de otras ocupaciones, como la medicina o el derecho, que pueden ser descritas en los mismos términos? La mayor diferencia es quizá el papel especial que los medios informativos desempeñan en una sociedad libre.

Mujeres de Influencia Noviembre 2006
Mujeres de Influencia | Women of Influence
Con motivo de la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, el 8 de marzo, y del Mes Nacional de la Historia de la Mujer, dedicamos esta publicación electrónica a los logros de mujeres destacadas de la historia estadounidense y a su aportación a la creación de la actual sociedad democrática de Estados Unidos.

Outline of American Literature Diciembre 2006
Outline of American Literature
The Outline of American literature, newly revised, traces the paths of American narrative, fiction, poetry and drama as they move from pre-colonial times into the present, through such literary movements as romanticism, realism and experimentation.




  Principles of Democracy Abril 2005
Principles of Democracy
Explains fundamental principles that contribute to making a democratic government work effectively. This series of one-page primers provides the reader with a concise definition of democracy and expands on supporting elements such as good governance and the rights and responsibilities of people living in democracies.

Cómo se Gobierna Estados Unidos Octubre 2005
Cómo se Gobierna Estados Unidos | How the U.S. is Governed
El sistema de gobierno de Estados Unidos, iniciado como un experimento en materia de libertad y democracia en 1776, ha dado pruebas de su admirable resistencia y adaptabilidad. Aun cuando a menudo se cataloga a Estados Unidos como una democracia, es más preciso definirlo como una república federal constitucional...

Outline of U.S. History Noviembre 2005
Outline of U.S. History
A chronological look at how the United States took shape -- from its origins as an obscure set of colonies on the Atlantic coast a little more than 200 years ago into what one political analyst today calls "the first universal nation." This fully illustrated edition has been completely revised and updated by Alonzo L. Hamby, Distinguished Professor of History at Ohio University.




  La Constitución de Estados Unidos con Notas Explicativas Julio 2004
La Constitución de Estados Unidos con Notas Explicativas | The Constitution of the United States of America
La Constitución se compone de un preámbulo, siete artículos y 27 enmiendas. En ella se establece un sistema federal por medio de la división de poderes entre el gobierno nacional y los gobiernos estatales. Se instituye también un gobierno nacional equilibrado, separando los poderes entre tres ramas independientes: la ejecutiva, la legislativa y la judicial. La rama ejecutiva, el Presidente, hace que las leyes nacionales sean cumplidas; la rama legislativa, el Congreso, elabora las leyes nacionales; y la rama judicial, la Corte Suprema y otros tribunales federales, aplica e interpreta las leyes cuando resuelve en materia de disputas legales en los tribunales federales.

Art on the Edge Noviembre 2004
Art on the Edge
This joint publication of the State Department's ART in Embassies Program and its Bureau of International Information Programs showcases the work of 17 contemporary American artists. All have made their art available in U.S. ambassador's residences in countries around the world. As a group, these up-and-comers exemplify such bedrock American values as innovation, diversity, freedom, individualism, and competitive excellence.

Outline of U.S. Legal System Diciembre 2004
Outline of U.S. Legal System
This Outline covers the history and organization of the federal and state judicial systems; the criminal and civil court processes; the background, qualifications, and selection of federal judges; the role of other participants (lawyers, defendants, interest groups) in the judicial process; and the implementation and impact of judicial policies.




  Los Derechos del Pueblo: Libertad individual y la Carta de Derechos Diciembre de 2003
Los Derechos del Pueblo: Libertad individual y la Carta de Derechos | Rights of the People
“Los Derechos del Pueblo” es un intento por explicar cómo han evolucionado hasta el presente, los conceptos esenciales de la libertad individual y los derechos del individuo en el sistema jurídico de Estados Unidos, escrito por el historiador Melvin Urofsky. Al enfocarse en la Carta de Derechos y la Constitución y sus interpretaciones legales, muchas de ellas escritas por los mejores magistrados de Estados Unidos que perfeccionaron y expandieron la Carta de Derechos, Urofsky presenta una historia de Estados Unidos desde la perspectiva de la libertad individual.




  Writers on America Diciembre 2002
Writers on America
Presents 15 essays by a diverse group of contemporary American writers, poets, essayists, and intellectuals, on how being an American has affected their decision to write and what they have written during successful careers. Their meditations illuminate in an interesting way certain American values ? freedom, diversity, democracy, in the context of individual development. Frequently, for this group of writers, the sense of home means an immigrant culture, with a parent or grandparent from another land; however, the central concept for many of these authors, no matter what their backgrounds, is "possibility," both in personal and creative terms.




  La Oficina de Prensa Responsable Septiembre 2001
La Oficina de Prensa Responsable | A Responsible Press Office: An Insiders Guide
Guía práctica destinada a funcionarios de gobierno y de información al público que quieran establecer mecanismos eficaces de comunicación entre los medios informativos y el gobierno.




  Outline of the U.S. Government Septiembre 2000
Outline of the U.S. Government
What makes U.S. government uniquely American...its Constitution, the separation of powers, the concept of ?checks and balances,? the decentralized roles of state and local governments, and a citizenry with wide opportunity to be part of it all.




  An Outline of American Geography Noviembre 1998
An Outline of American Geography
By Stephen S. Birdsall and John Florin. This publication considers the physical environment of the United States ? landforms, climate, soils, and vegetation ? in terms of its impact on the country's cultural, regional, and political development.

Media Law Handbook
What are the privileges and responsibilities of a free press? In Media Law Handbook, Professor Jane Kirtley, Silha Professor of Media Ethics and Law at the University of Minnesota, explores how free societies answer this question.
U.S.A. History in Brief, Learner English edition (html).
This is the first in a planned series of books to help readers improve their English skills. Each book will teach you something about the United States. This book is about U.S. history. You can read the text or listen as a native-speaker reads it aloud.
Pop Culture versus Real America.
U.S. television and cinema promote images of Americans that are ? well ? wrong! Pop Culture versus Real America will contrast those pop culture images with profiles of real Americans in every walk of life. Look here soon for the entire book. For now, this First Look edition includes the introduction and two chapters: Baywatch / Real Lifeguards and Grey?s Anatomy / Real Doctor.
USA Elections in Brief.
A background guide to the entire U.S. electoral system, from federal, state, local, and primary elections to related topics such as polling and the role of the parties and the media.
Human Rights in Brief.
In all civilized nations, attempts are made to define and buttress human rights. The core of the concept is the same everywhere: Human rights are the rights that one has simply because one is human. They are universal and equal. Human rights are also inalienable. They may be suspended, rightly or wrongly, at various places and times, but the idea of inherent rights cannot be taken away. One can no more lose these rights than one can stop being a human being.
Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States.
Barack Obama, elected the 44th President of the United States, has lived a truly American life, and has opened a new chapter in American politics. This publication tells the story of Obama?s life, describes how he captured the presidency, and portrays his vision for the future. It also introduces readers to the Obama family and to the new Vice President, Joseph Biden.
Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall stands as one of the great American heroes of the 20th century: He was the attorney who ended legal segregation in the United States with his victory in the Brown v. Board of Education case, and the U.S. Supreme Court justice who championed expanded rights for every individual American -- minorities, women, and immigrants, among many others.
Rachel Carson: Pen Against Poison
Rachel Carson was a quiet woman who stirred extraordinary controversy that persists decades after her death. Her 1962 book Silent Spring brought worldwide attention to the harm to human health and the environment wrought by mishandling of a powerful pesticide, fomenting the environmental movement. In the 100th anniversary year of Carson's birth, this publication examines how occasionally in history a book with a powerful idea can bring about peaceful but dramatic change in a democratic society.
USA History in Brief
The first title in the new "In Brief" series, this publication summarizes in a few thousand words the history of how the United States was founded and the forces and events that shaped the dynamic and varied country that it has become today.
USA Literature in Brief
USA Literature in Brief pinpoints and describes the contributions to American literature of some of the best-recognized American poets, novelists, philosophers and dramatists from pre-Colonial days through the present. Major literary figures are discussed in detail, as are their major works. Brief discussions of cultural periods and movements such as romanticism, modernism, and transcendentalism put individuals in context and lend perspective. This condensed version of Outline of American Literature highlights major achievers and important works in the canon.
USA Economy In Brief
This mini-publication discusses the factors that make the U.S. economy the world's most productive, competitive, and influential. It focuses on workers and productivity, small and large business, the service economy, goods and services, the role of government, and the concept of "creative destruction," the process where jobs, companies, entire industries come and go because of their success or failure in the marketplace. USA Economy in Brief includes colorful charts to illustrate, for instance, U.S. annual exports and imports and the U.S. trade deficit.
Principles of Entrepreneurship
Economists and business people differ in their definitions of entrepreneurship. Most, however, agree that entrepreneurship is vital for stimulating economic growth and employment opportunities in all societies. This is particularly true in the developing world, where successful small businesses are the primary engines of job creation and poverty reduction. This series of 21 one-page primers discusses the essentials for building and running a business from the planning stages to marketing a product. Author Jeanne Holden is a free-lance writer with expertise in economic issues. She worked as a writer-editor in the U.S. Information Agency for 17 years.
Democracy in Brief
Democracy in Brief gives a concise account of the intellectual origins, history, and basic values of democratic systems of government. The book touches on topics such as rights and responsibilities of citizens, free and fair elections, the rule of law, the role of a written constitution, separation of powers, a free media, the role of parties and interest groups, military-civilian relations and democratic culture.
Edward R. Murrow: Journalism at Its Best
The career of Edward R. Murrow, the eminent broadcast journalist, is discussed in this publication as an example of the essential role the free press plays in a democratic society. With his reports from London during World War II and his exposé of Senator McCarthy's anti-Communist campaign in the 1950s, Murrow showed how a fearless reporter can use journalistic skills in the public's service in times of crisis.
Handbook of Independent Journalism
This handbook covers the ins and outs of what every professional journalist should know ? from how to research, write, and edit a story to how to write headlines, choose graphics, and select quotes and sound bites. Print, radio, TV, and Web-based or online journalism forms are discussed in detail, as well as the skills required in beat reporting.
Women of Influence
This collection chronicles how 21 notable American women broke new ground, some by championing equal rights for all and others by their accomplishments in fields such as government, literature, and even in war.
About America: How the U.S. is Governed
This joint publication of the State Department's Bureau of International Information Programs and Braddock Communications presents a comprehensive yet easy-to-read overview of the various levels of and institutions related to government in the U.S. "How the United States Is Governed" describes how federal, state, and local governments are elected, how they operate, and how the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government relate under the U.S. constitutional system. It also highlights how nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other institutions allow Americans to influence and shape government policy. This publication contains a glossary and a list of useful Web sites.
About America : The Constitution of the United States of America with Explanatory Notes
This illustrated publication includes the complete text of the U.S. Constitution (preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments), as well an updated introduction and explanatory notes by J.W. Peltason, author of Understanding the Constitution and Government by the People. The introduction includes sections explaining how the Constitution set up the U.S. federal system, the background to the Constitutional Convention and how the participants arrived at a final version of the document, its ratification, and sections on the call for a Bill of Rights and the need for additional amendments over the years.
Rights of the People
Rights of the People, is a history of American law and justice, written by Constitutional historian Melvin Urofsky. By focusing on the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, and the legal interpretations, many of them written by America's finest jurists, that refined and expanded the Bill of Rights, Urofsky presents a history of the United States from the standpoint of individual liberty.
A Responsible Press Office: An Insiders Guide
A how-to publication for government leaders and public information officials who want to create an effective mechanism of communication between the media and the government. This handbook offers practical advice based on the significant professional experience of author Marguerite Hoxie Sullivan and other top-level U.S. government spokespersons.

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