Untitled Document
For Immediate Release For Further Information Contact:
May 14, 2007 Kathy Arberg (202) 479-3211

Proposed Revisions to the Supreme Court Rules

The Supreme Court of the United States today announced it will entertain public comment on proposed revisions to its rules of procedure. The modifications under consideration include several minor alterations. The more substantial revisions include a change from page limitations to a word count similar to the 1998 Amendment to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. See Rule 33. Changes to Rule 25 revise the briefing schedule and require an electronic version of merits briefs be transmitted to the Clerk. Rule 37 revisions require an amicus curiae to notify counsel of record of intent to file an amicus curiae brief at the petition stage, and to electronically transmit every amicus curiae brief in a case scheduled for oral argument. Also, amicus curiae supporting a petitioner at the petition stage will be required to file within 30 days after the case is placed on the docket, and no extensions will be allowed.

Copies of the proposed revisions are available from the Court's Public Information Office, the Court's website, www.supremecourtus.gov, and various legal publishers. The Court last revised the Rules in March 2005. The proposed revisions are accompanied by "Clerk's Comments." These are not part of the Rules, but are furnished to assist readers in understanding the proposed changes. The proposed effective date of the revisions is August 1, 2007.

Comments must be received by June 4, 2007 and should be submitted in writing to:

Clerk of the Court
Attn: Rules Committee
Supreme Court of the United States
Washington, DC 20543