Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network


Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families

Welfare Peer TA facilitates the sharing of information between and among states, counties, localities, tribal organizations, and community-based organizations working with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) families. Welfare Peer TA encourages the establishment of linkages between these organizations on the belief that guidance and instruction are best delivered by professionals who have achieved results and outcomes similar to those desired by other related social service organizations.

Agency TA Contact: David Camporeale, David.Camporeale@acf.hhs.gov

Eligible Applicants

ACF provides federally focused and targeted TA to states, tribes, and local TANF agencies. TA topics are identified by ACF and TA opportunities are promoted through the regional offices.  Other entities who submit a request through the peer technical assistance network are strongly encouraged to already have an agreement in place with their TANF agency as the welfare peer technical assistance network is intended for TANF agencies.  Common types of TA are roundtables, webinars, and teleconferences.