Homeless Veterans Dental Program

The Homeless Veteran Dental Program is a targeted program for Veterans experiencing homelessness as part of the continuum of services available to gain stability. This program works with VA-sponsored and VA-partnered homeless rehabilitation programs across the country to increase access to quality dental care. Dental problems, such as pain and missing teeth can be tremendous barriers in seeking and obtaining employment. With the provision of quality dental care, it is possible to gain greater confidence and decrease pain, supporting the inclusion of dental programs in the continuum of rehabilitation services for Veterans experiencing homelessness. 

View the program website

Eligible Applicants:

Licensed dental care providers with experience serving individuals experiencing homelessness.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Veterans experiencing homelessness and accessing VA-sponsored or VA-partnered homeless resources are eligible to utilize this service. 

Funding Mechanism:

The HVDP program funding is available to partner homeless providers, including at Stand Down events.