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PHOTOS: Camp Humphreys Troops Flex Their Muscles for Inaugural Fitness Games

Friday, October 12, 2012

In the inaugural Camp Humphreys Fitness Games on October 6, the USO and 60 volunteers teamed with Humphreys CrossFit instructor Capt. Danny Stokes and MWR Super Gym director Lonnie Herring to create an eight-event test of strength and endurance.

The event was comprised of the following: deadlifts, a hill sprint, a “over Beacon Hill and back" run, a tire flip, a “farmer carry,” a 50 sandbag platform load, a “Fran” (thrusters and pull-ups), a log toss for guys and a kettlebell toss for girls.

Sixteen organizations and businesses set up tables with food, giveaways, prizes and activities for the kids participants and the approximately 300 spectators.

“I think this was a huge success!” said Tami Hager, Center Manager for USO Camp Humphreys. “Even after almost a week, people are still telling me how they thought and heard that the Fitness Games was a great event and that we need to do it again. Everything just really fell into place throughout the planning and day of the event. Seeing everyone have a great time and all the sportsmanship was so uplifting and definitely worth all of the work that went into this event.”

Perhaps Chinook pilot Anthony Moon, who took the gold medal in the men’s 18-35 age bracket said it best:

“We should all be thanking [Tami Hager], the USO, Danny and the numerous other people involved with putting on this event. You guys did all the hard work, we just lifted the weight (some a little faster than others). The thing was a success on every level and you guys did an unbelievable job. A real testament to how effective and supportive the USO is in the community.”


Volunteers Catalina Aguilar, left, and Stella Kim set up shop at Independence Field at Camp Humphreys.


Left, Lisa Collins Green cranks out the pull-ups.

For Christa Graves, an Army wife and USO volunteer, the esprit de corps was a beautiful thing to see.

“I was in awe at the sheer strength and endurance of the competitors. It was refreshing and exciting to see both men and women from different branches of the military cheering each other on even though they were competing against one another.”


In this competition, “hitting the bar” takes on a whole new meaning.

What was Moon’s lasting memory? “More so than the gold medal or the prizes, I think it’ll be the encouragement, support, respect and sportsmanship that all the competitors showed towards each other. Just an amazing thing to be a part of.”


The barbell walk proved to be more than just a walk in the park.

Graves said: “The Fitness Games were a great day for my whole family. Seeing how my children loved to watch each competition and cheer for the competitors, even though we didn’t know all of them, was memorable for me. My oldest daughter loved volunteering and was even able to help give the winners their medals. The fact that we can participate in USO events as a family is just awesome!”


Daniel Bickett makes the wheel go ’round and ’round, the hard way.


Andrea Billy Black shows there’s more than one way to get a Jeep moving.

Said Jason Theriault from U.S. 7th Air Force (Osan AB), who won the bronze medal in the 36+ bracket: “These type of events really allow the USO to show everyone that no matter where we are, there you are also.”


A competitor takes part in the deadlift.

“Having the USO put on an event like the Camp Humphreys Fitness Games shows the whole community that you are there to support all functions and it was a great way for the USO to reach out to a whole new community of athletes,” Theriault said.


Sheila Byrd, left, and Elisa McWhorter at Independence Field at Humphreys command the grill to great results.

Not only did Moon sum up the event perfectly, his thoughts also put a nice bow on the event:

“At the end of the day – regardless of branch of service, nationality or anything else – it’s just a bunch of people who are all interested in the same thing … health and fitness, sweat and pain,” he said.

(Photos by Michelle Cameron / USO Camp Humphries. Produced by Christian Pelusi, Tami Hager) 

For more photos, visit these galleries on the USO Camp Humphries Facebook page.

Federal employees can help the USO fulfill its mission to support troops and their families through the 2012 Combined Federal Campaign. Please designate #11381. 

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