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Who Can Access

Only registered users have access to view or correct data to an ARRA report. If you are not the registered user, please notify your ARRA Point of Contact about corrections to reports. Please note that because reporting is cumulative, it is not necessary to go back several quarters to change data; you only need to make changes to the most recent report.

Visit the home page to login.

To eliminate duplicate awards on

  • Current Quarter (October 2012)

    • Link a current quarter report to the previous quarter's report during the reporting period.
    • Correct the Award ID, DUNS Number or Order Number.
    • Deactivate a current quarter report during Initial Submission, Recipient Review, or Agency Review periods. Otherwise, you may submit your deactivation request through the Administrative Data Change (ADC) tool at the beginning the next reporting period.
  • Prior Quarters

    • Link or deactivate prior quarter reports - submit an ADC request for the desired change. See Chapter 16 of the User Guide for details on how to use this tool.

To correct report status on

  • Current Quarter (October 2012)

    • Change your current quarter report status to Final by re-submitting the report with the change at any time during the reporting period.
  • Prior Quarters

    • To mark a prior quarter report as Final, submit an ADC request. See Chapter 16 of the User Guide for details on how to use this tool.

NOTE:By marking this report as "Final" you are indicating that this ARRA report meets OMB guidance for final reporting and that no further ARRA reports are required to be filed for this ARRA funded project/award. Reports marked as "Final" may be eligible for the Recipient Final Reconciliation Report pending Agency Final Review in the next reporting period.

To correct general data elements on

  • Current Quarter (October 2012)

    • Changes to any of the 99 data fields may be made at any time during the reporting period. Reporting is cumulative, so only the most recent report needs to be corrected.
  • Prior Quarters

    • If the report is active, and recipient expects to report again, then most changes can be made during the next reporting period.
    • To make changes to Final reports, use the ADC to request the change. See Chapter 16 of the User Guide for details on how to use this tool.

Visit the home page to login.

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