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Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2010
Investigation No. 332-345

USITC Publication 4245
July 2011
[Summary] [PDF]

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2009
Investigation No. 332-345

USITC Publication 4179
August 2010
[Summary] [PDF]

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2008
Investigation No. 332-345

USITC Publication 4089
July 2009
[Summary] [PDF]

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2007
Investigation No. 332-345

USITC Publication 4044
December 2008

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2006
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 3940

August 2007

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2005
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 3874

August 2006

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2004
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 3789
July 2005

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2003
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 3714

July 2004

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2002
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 3611

July 2003

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 1998
Investigation No. 332-353
USITC Publication 3220

August 1999

Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 1997
Investigation No. 332-353
USITC Publication 3120
