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Hazing, Bullying, and Maltreatment

January 27, 2012 - Commanders and Leaders; you are likely aware that the Army is investigating several allegations of hazing within its ranks that recently occurred in Afghanistan. These incidents appear to be isolated and are not indicative of a broader problem. However, I want to reiterate to you that any form of hazing, bullying, or maltreatment of a soldier, sailor, airmen, or Marine is unacceptable and directly countermands my command philosophy.

Initial Reinstatement of Curfew (Oct. 08, 2011)

October 08, 2011 - Commanders and Leaders; today I have reinstated a command-wide curfew for the next 30 days to ensure the continued mission-readiness of the command and assess our current operational environment.

Ulchi Freedom Guardian UFG '11 Safety Message

August 04, 2011 - Ulchi Freedom Guardian ’11 is a demanding exercise that presents a great opportunity for our joint and combined forces to evaluate our mission essential and critical supporting tasks.