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Home  >  About Donation & Transplantation  >  Terms and Topics

Terms and Topics - I


Idiopathic—Relating to an organ being damaged or destroyed by a disease or condition of unknown origin.

Immune Response—The body's natural defense against foreign objects or organisms that invade the body, such as bacteria or transplanted organs.

Immunosuppressive Drugs—Chemical agents that cause the human body not to produce antibodies that normally fight off foreign material in the body. The production of these antibodies needs to be suppressed in order to permit the acceptance of a donor organ by the recipient's body. See also Anti-Rejection Medicine.

Informed Consent—The process of reaching a voluntary agreement based on a full disclosure and full understanding of what will take place. Informed consent often refers to the process of making decisions regarding participation in research as well as undergoing medical procedures, including the decision to donate the organs of a loved one.

Intestines—The portion of the digestive tract extending from the stomach to the anus, consisting of the stomach, the upper segment (small intestine) and lower segment (large intestine.) The intestines can be donated and transplanted.


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