In Some States, Sales Tax Holidays Lose Luster

States confronting budget woes and a long list of spending priorities are questioning whether the hyped-up shopping events are worth the cost. Read More

Rural Veterans

Rural veterans are far older and far more likely to be disabled than other rural residents. New programs across the country show promise in ensuring that they get the health care they need. Read More

Hispanic Exodus

In some Southern counties, Hispanic populations are declining. Laws intended to crack down on illegal immigration may be to blame.   Read More
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Stateline covers issues that are key to state policy: health care, demographics, the business of government, and fiscal issues.

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Did You Know?

The federal government provided 31.9 percent of 50-state revenue in fiscal year 2015—the third-largest share on record—up from 30.7 percent in fiscal 2014.

Learn more at Pew’s Fiscal 50