United States Institute of Peace


Hands for Peace

PeaceMedia holds a vast collection of media that promotes peace. It is a collaborative project with Georgetown University's Conflict Resolution Program.

Bringing Down a Dictator
Bringing Down A Dictator documents the spectacular defeat of Slobodan Milosevic in October, 2000, not by force of arms, as many had predicted, but by an ingenious nonviolent strategy of honest electio
"Debating Resistance and Engagement" - Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
A strong debate between Martin Luther King and Malcolm X over resistance and non-violence.
"Scilla Elworthy: Fighting with Non-violence" - TEDxExeter
How do you deal with a bully without becoming a thug?
Arab Media Resource Center

This resource center provides governments, NGOs, journalists and media professionals in the Arab world with practical tools and information to assist in carrying out their work.

Featured Media

"To Be Determined: Myrlie Evers-Williams" - TEDxBend
Myrlie Evers-Williams at TEDxBend
"Nonviolent Action in the Islamic World" - Dr. Stephen Zunes
A discussion with Dr. Stephen Zunes on the long history of nonviolent action in the Islamic world.
"A Bad Year for Bad Guys: How to Topple a Dictator"  – TEDxKrakow
Srdja Popovic delivers a TED talk on nonviolent resistance.
A feature documentary film and animated comic book about normal people who became Human Rights Heroes & Heroines.

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