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OPIC in action: Small business loan improves food security, export opportunities in Moldova

November 23, 2011

Site Moldova A New Grain Loading Terminal and an Oilseed Crushing Facility in Moldova
Sector Agriculture, Food Processing
Challenge Lack of a domestic grain terminal meant Moldovan businesses had to export their agricultural products from ports in neighboring Ukraine.
Solution A 2007 loan supported by OPIC for the construction by Kelley Grains Corporation S. R. L. of a new grain loading terminal and an oilseed crushing facility.
Impact This highly developmental project has greatly improved Moldova’s storage logistics and processing infrastructure while enabling Moldova’s agricultural businesses to take advantage of growing export markets. As of 2011, Kelley Grains has added 110 new jobs with health and retirement benefits exceeding local requirements. The project has also resulted in increased availability and quality of food supplies. Read more about Kelley Grains and other OPIC projects

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