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Delivering Even More Science
Features in This Issue - Volume 43, Number 2, 2010



A Higher Expectation

April 1, 2010 marked not only the tenth anniversary of UT-Battelle's role as the managing contractor for the laboratory, but also the beginning of a new five-year contract announced the previous week at an event attended by Energy Secretary Steve Chu, Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen, and members of the Tennessee congressional delegation More...




International team discovers element 117
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is part of a team that has added a new chemical element to the Periodic Table. More...


ORNL receives ARPA-E Award
ORNL was among the first organizations to receive funding from the Department of Energy's new Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). More...


DOE extends UT-Battelle contract to manage ORNL
DOE has extended the contract for the University of Tennessee and Battelle Memorial Institute to co-manage ORNL for another five years. More...




Delivering The Science
With modern facilities, the challenge now is to produce great science. More...


An Unbeatable Combination
SNS and HFIR provide exceptional neutron source materials characterization capabilities. More...


A Place to Sleep
A new guest house will be available to the laboratory's visiting scientists in 2011. More...


Pulsing Intensely
SNS instruments enable researchers to "see" inside materials. More...


Investigating Layered Thin Films
The Liquids Reflectometer enables scientists to look within and between layers of film and determine how they are structured. More...


The Next Small Thing
An unconventional approach attracts users to ORNL's nanocenter. More...


Venkatraman Gopalan
A goal of the CNMS facility is to enable researchers to answer basic questions about why materials behave as they do. More...


Magic Secrets
Researchers use "magic nuclei" to unlock the secrets of heavy elements. More...


A Helping Hand
Users find a collaborative environment in which to probe materials. More...




A Closer View: Tom Ballard
When Tom Ballard came to ORNL, he already had 35 years of experience promoting partnerships at the University of Tennessee. More...




ORNL Z-contrast Microscope
The ORNL Z-contrast microscope is the first to resolve, identify individual light atoms. More...


Measurement and the "circle" of research
"If you can't measure it, you're not doing science." More...




...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Reference Desk:
View papers associated with the various research projects mentioned in this issue of the ORNL Review. More...


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