March 1, 2012

Read the meeting transcript

The National Mall - Turf and Soil Reconstruction (Phases II and III)
(File number 7110)

The Commission provided the National Park Service with comments on concept designs for Phases II and III of the National Mall turf and soil reconstruction project. Phases II and III encompass the lawn panels between 7th and 14th Streets, NW. In three phases, the National Park Service proposes to replace and reengineer the panels’ lawn and soil, install a new irrigation system, and add panel curbs. Phase I, currently under construction, encompasses the three lawn panels between 3rd and 7th Streets, NW.

Currently, soil on the Mall is highly compacted and drains poorly, and turf is worn. The proposal includes removing and replacing the top soil, adding a drainage layer, re-grading the surface, adding a slight crown in the center, replacing the irrigation system, and adding 18-inch-wide shallow curbs made of White Mount Airy granite. Improving turf conditions is a priority of the National Mall Plan, which also recommends widening the Mall’s walkways to better accommodate public events. The submission addresses this through three different walkway alternatives based on historic plans:

In its comments the Commission noted its support for the project and the National Park Service’s efforts to improve the turf while providing additional space for public events in a manner that preserves the Mall’s historic landscape. The Commission also expressed support for adding a civic gathering space on the 8th Street, NW axis that is sensitive to its historic location, and recommended that the Park Service consult with NCPC and other interested parties to refine each of the proposed alternatives.

For the next phase of review, preliminary design, NCPC asked the National Park Service to provide additional information on factors impacting walkway dimensions, sizes of existing and proposed turf and walkway dimensions, and possible maintenance requirements for turf that would be impacted by events.

See Commission Action and Project Recommendation

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[Begins at 12:44]

The National Mall - Installation of Five Capital Bikeshare Stations
(File number 7147F)

The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) approved preliminary and final site development plans to install the first five Capital Bikeshare stations on the National Mall. In its approval the Commission commended the National Park Service for extending the Bikeshare program to the National Mall and providing expanded transportation options for Mall visitors.

The Commission also encouraged the National Park Service to work with the District Department of Transportation to monitor demand for the bicycles to determine if additional bikes should be added at a later date, and to examine additional locations for Capital Bikeshare stations on the Mall and in East Potomac Park.

The proposed stations would be located near some of the Mall’s major visitor destinations, including:

To view a map of the locations, please see page 4 of the Executive Director's Recommendation.

All stations are single-sided with 23 bikes except for the Lincoln Memorial station which is doubled-sided with 25 bikes. Each station would use solar power and wireless technology to provide Capital Bikeshare members access to the bikes using their membership card, and include a two-sided panel that is used to display a map of the station locations throughout the entire Capital Bikeshare system. Capital Bikeshare is a joint effort between the District of Columbia and Arlington County, Virginia.

See Commission Action and Project Recommendation

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[Begins at 52:57]

Consent Calendar: The Commission voted on Consent Calendar items without staff presentations or public testimony.

Delegated Decisions: Projects for which the Commission delegated decision-making authority to the Chairman, Executive Committee, or Executive Director.