January 3, 2008

Corcoran/Randall School Consolidated PUD and Map Amendment, 625 I Street, SW
(File Number Z.C. 07-13)

The National Capital Planning Commission commented on the proposed action of the District of Columbia Zoning Commission to approve a planned unit development (PUD) and related zoning map amendment for 625 I Street, SW (Square 643-S, Lot 801), site of the former Randall Junior High School. The District of Columbia sold the school to the Corcoran Gallery of Art in 2006. The proposal would redevelop the site into residential units and an art school, reusing the historic southern portion of the Randall School building and constructing additional square footage to the north. The Corcoran College of Art and Design would occupy 100,000 square feet of the project; the remaining 400,000 square feet would house residential dwellings. The project, located one block west of South Capitol Street, also includes underground parking for 400 cars.

The Commission’s role is to advise the District of Columbia Zoning Commission on whether the project will adversely affect an identified federal interest. The identified federal interests related to this project are the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital and the Height of Buildings Act of 1910.

The Commission advised the Zoning Commission that the project is adverse to the federal interest because a mechanical penthouse on the roof is not properly set back from the exterior building wall, and the height of the proposed building would therefore exceed the maximum height allowed under the Height of Buildings Act of 1910. The Commission recommended that the Zoning Commission require the applicant to modify the design to set the penthouse back from the building’s exterior wall a distance that is equal to the height of the penthouse, measured from the building roof, in accordance with the Height of Buildings Act.

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Consent Calendar: The Commission voted on Consent Calendar items without staff presentations or public testimony.

Delegated Decisions: Projects for which the Commission delegated decision-making authority to the Chairman, Executive Committee, or Executive Director.