2006 Commission Actions

January 4, 2006

New Canopies Approved for Cleveland Park Metro Station; NCPC Reviews Proposed Street and Alley Closings; Zoning Amendment Allows Relocation of Asphalt Plant; Technical Amendment Corrects Authority Reference

February 2, 2006

Armed Forces Retirement Home – Draft Plan; National Museum of Natural History – Perimeter Security Plan

March 2, 2006

Commission Comments on PUD at Union Place

April 6, 2006

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial; Patent Office Building – Reconstruction of F Street Stairs; Patent Office Building – Development of the Courtyard; Center for Devices and Radiological Health; Department of Commerce Building Modernization

May 4, 2006

Chancery of Israel; Office of Personnel Management; Lafayette Building

June 1, 2006

Washington Nationals Baseball Stadium; United States Institute of Peace and Public Education Center; Proposed Federal Capital Improvements Program for the National Capital Region

July 6, 2006

Patent Office Building Courtyard Landscape; Amendment to the Capitol Gateway Overlay District; Judiciary Square North Site Improvements; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Headquarters; Revised Plan for Modernization of Headhouse/Greenhouse at the U.S. National Arboretum; White Oak Federal Research Center Master Plan and Transportation Management Plan Modification; Zoning Map and Text Amendments to Include Squares 344, 373, 374, and National Park Service Reservation 174 (Old Convention Center Site) in Housing Priority Area B; Amendment to Approved Planned Unit Development, 1331 L Street, NW, Square 247

August 3, 2006

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center; Fort Reno Park — Ball Field Renovation

September 7, 2006

Federal Capital Improvements Program; Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial

October 5, 2006

Washington Gateway Regional Retail Center in the Fort Lincoln Urban Renewal Area

November 2, 2006

National Capital Region Rail Pilot Project; United States Institute of Peace Headquarters and Public Education Center; White Oak Federal Research Center Southwest Parking Garage and Surface Parking Lot; Washington Canal Park

December 7, 2006

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial; American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial; Pentagon Memorial to the Victims of September 11, 2001 – Park and Gateway; Department of the Army, Washington Aqueduct Water Treatment Residuals Management Building and Site Improvements; District of Columbia Zoning Regulations Text Amendment