2004 Commission Actions

January 8, 2004

Pennsylvania Avenue at the White House; Department of Transportation Headquarters; Department of Energy; Southeast Federal Center Redevelopment; Arthur Capper/Carrollsburg HOPE VI Redevelopment Project

February 5, 2004

The Mall – Perimeter Security; Lincoln Memorial – Circle Rehabilitation and Security Improvements; Chancery of the People’s Republic of China; Arthur Capper/Carrollsburg Dwellings HOPE VI Project; St. Colletta of Greater Washington – Consolidated PUD and Amendment to Zoning Map

March 4, 2004

Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements; Washington Monument Grounds; E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse

April 1, 2004

Judiciary Square; Old District of Columbia Courthouse; National Law Enforcement Museum; American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial; Saint Coletta of Greater Washington, Inc.; Environmental and Historic Preservation Policies and Procedures

May 6, 2004

Old D.C. Courthouse; American Pharmacists Association; Department of Agriculture Headquarter Complex; Unified Communications Center; East Side Pumping Station Rehabilitation – Anacostia Park

June 3, 2004

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Southeast Federal Center Master Plan; Modification to the Watergate; D.C. Capital Improvements Plan

July 8, 2004

U.S. National Arboretum; Smithsonian Institution, Patent Office Building; Union Station; Proposed Federal Capital Improvements Program for the National Capital Region, Fiscal Years 2005 – 2010

August 5, 2004

Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements; U.S. Air Force Memorial; Old District of Columbia Courthouse

September 9, 2004

National Air and Space Museum – Perimeter Security; E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse Annex – Perimeter Security; Rock Creek Park – Antennas; Federal Capital Improvements Program for the National Capital Region, Fiscal Years 2005-2010

October 7, 2004

Smithsonian Institution Mall-Wide Perimeter Security

November 4, 2004

Patent Office Building - Canopy; Prettyman Courthouse Annex - Perimeter Security; Anacostia Light Rail Transit

December 2, 2004

National Law Enforcement Museum Entrance Pavilions Plaza; U.S. Department of State Perimeter Security Improvements