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U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement: Passenger Vehicle Sector Update

Investigation No. 332-523
USITC Publication 4220


The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has released U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement: Passenger Vehicle Sector Update.

Requested by the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways and Means, the report updates the Commission's assessment of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement and likely impacts on the U.S. passenger vehicle sector.

The USITC provided analysis to the U.S. Trade Representative in 2007 in conjunction with the conclusion of negotiations between the United States and Korea on a bilateral free trade agreement. In its request letter, the Committee noted that the United States and Korea recently concluded additional passenger vehicle-related negotiations and requested that the Commission update its assessment of the KORUS FTA.

The USITC’s report is now available at:

Also available on CD-ROM and in print; call 202.205.2000 for more information.