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Performance Results Map Video Transcript

Video duration: 1 minute, 53 seconds

On-screen image: Job Corps logo

On-screen text: Performance Results Map Overview

On-screen image: Performance Results At-a-Glance Web page.

Narrator: Job Corps has established a comprehensive performance management system in order to assess program effectiveness across the multiple components of the services and programs offered to Job Corps students.

In the interest of providing performance information as clearly and accurately as possible, Job Corps has developed a Web site featuring an interactive map that allows visitors to quickly browse to center-specific OMS data with a simple click of the mouse.

On-screen image: Performance Results At-a-Glance Web page scrolling downward.

Narrator: The main Performance Results At-a-Glance page features the interactive map and provides a quick overview of Job Corps' current on-board strength, as well as a table showcasing national-level performance data.

The main page also provides a list of definitions for the performance measures featured in each table.

On-screen image: List of performance measure definitions.

Narrator: Visitors to the page can use the mouse cursor to browse the interactive map state-by-state which triggers a popup showing the centers in that state.

On-screen image: Popup appearing over the interactive map.

Narrator: To view the performance data for the centers in that state, simply click on the state itself.

On-screen image: A state Performance Results page.

Narrator: You are then brought to a new page containing a breakdown of the performance measures for each center in the state selected.

The table features performance data including center rating statistics alongside national averages in each measure for comparison.

The data shown is from Program Year 2010 and will be updated annually.

On-screen image: Detailed view of a table with a center's performance data.

Narrator: To view a definition of any of the performance measures, just click on any item in the table, and you will be directed to a list defining each measure.

On-screen image: List of performance measure definitions.

On-screen image: Performance Results At-a-Glance Web page.

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Page last updated: Tuesday, April 24, 2012