Joseph N. Herndon

Director, Environment, Safety and Health

Joseph N. HerndonAs the Director for Environment, Safety and Health at ORNL, Mr. Herndon is responsible for developing, operating, and continuously improving environment, safety, health, and quality (ESHQ) management systems and providing ESHQ services that enable accomplishment of the Laboratory's research missions.

Mr. Herndon has 30 years of experience in research, development, research line management, and operations at ORNL. His research interests have included robotics, remote systems, nuclear fuel cycle facilities, and human factors of teleoperated and telerobotic systems. Mr. Herndon has published 50 papers, journal articles, technical reports, and book chapters in these areas and has earned numerous technical awards, including an IR 100 Award in 1984 for servomanipulator controls.

Mr. Herndon's management experience includes more than 9 years as a division director at ORNL, with responsibillity for 50 to 400 professional and administrative staff and budgets of $15M to more than $200M. Prior to being named ESHQ Director, Mr. Herndon served as the Operations Manager for the ORNL Energy and Engineering Sciences Directorate. In this position, he supported the Directorate's scientific missions by providing leadership and oversight to management systems, operations, safety, compliance, and performance assessments across the entire Directorate.

Mr. Herndon holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Engineering degree, both from the University of Tennessee.