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Prevention Measures

Invasive mussels attach to hard surfaces and are known to clog intakes and engines, pipes, and water transport structures. They are also known to be found in any water that is in the bilge or ballast tank.

All boaters and other water craft recreational users should take simple, precautionary steps - every time they go to a lake, river, or stream.

Before leaving a lake or waterway, boaters should:

Equipment Cleaning Manual

An image of the cover of the equipment cleaning and inspection manual.Procedures have been developed in this manual to address the transport of
invasive species and pests through equipment movement. This manual provides
guidance for inspecting and cleaning vehicles and equipment to help prevent the
spread of noxious invasive species during Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation)
activities. The general types of equipment described in this manual are:

Download the Manual


Last updated: 6/28/12