United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The Power of Truth: 20 Years
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Warsaw Jewish quarter, prewar

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Dr. Benjamin Morris Gasul was born in Latvia but emigrated to the United States at the age of 16. When he was invited to give a lecture in the USSR in 1939, he and his wife Lala took a tour of Europe. They brought their movie camera along on the trip and shot 16mm color footage showing the Jewish quarter of Warsaw in summer 1939, weeks before the invasion of Poland by Germany. —USHMM RG-60.4567, Gift of the Gasul Family
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Steven Spielberg
Film and Video Archive


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The Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is a major repository for moving images pertaining to the Holocaust and related topics in European history. The collection currently comprises 1,005 hours of archival footage. Additional materials are regularly acquired from sources throughout the world. The majority of the materials originated between 1930 and 1945. The major topics covered by the collection are:

Prewar Jewish life, early 1930s. Young children reciting a lesson outdoors. Munkacs, Czechoslovakia (later Hungary)..

Prewar Jewish life, early 1930s. Young children reciting a lesson outdoors. Munkacs, Czechoslovakia (later Hungary).. —“March of Time” outtakes collection, National Archives and Records Administration
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Reference Service

The Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive assists researchers in viewing and/or locating sources of archival footage worldwide and makes available documentation related to the materials. For an appointment to view the collection, or for information about the holdings, contact the Film and Video Project Coordinator at 202-488-6104. Please note the following:

Other Film and Video Resources:

The Museum’s Library includes a collection of published documentary and feature films on Holocaust-related subjects that is available for viewing by the public in the Library and Archives reading room. To locate a specific item, consult the Library and Archives online catalog.

The Museum’s Archives maintains a collection of unpublished oral testimonies on videotape that is available for viewing by the public in the Library and Archives reading room. To locate a specific item, consult the Library and Archives online catalog.

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Contact us at:

Film and Video Archive
(For assistance with using historical film footage)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126
Tel.: (202) 488-6104
Fax: (202) 314-7820
E-mail: filmvideo@ushmm.org