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Foraging: Mistletoe

Foraging: Mistletoe


 “Here were kept up the old games of hoodman blind, shoe the wild mare, hot cockles, steal the white loaf, bob apple, and snap dragon; the Yule-clog and Christmas candle were regularly burnt, and the mistletoe with its white berries hung up, to the imminent peril of all the pretty housemaids.”—Washington Irving

‘Tis the season to start puckering up and stealing kisses under the mistletoe—and if you’re an avid hiker or nature lover and you live in or are planning to visit the right place, you may want  to think about collecting that holiday green stuff yourself.

All mistletoe is technically a parasite, stealing nutrients from its host tree or shrub. But there are different types and you may not want just any type of mistletoe to grace your doorways, mantle or anywhere else you plan to hang it.

You generally want to stay away from desert mistletoe, which grows on many shrubs and trees in Arizona, New Mexico and other dry, southwest climates. In fact, most types of dwarf mistletoe don’t exactly render the green velvety leaves perfectly adorned with little white flowers and red berries that you see in every Christmas television special or movie.

That said, if you live in or near heavily wooded areas in eastern North America or in the southwest like California, mistletoe may not be very hard to find. It grows on the branches of hardwood trees like oak, hickory and maple as well as conifers and other deciduous trees and shrubs. It’s easy to spot in the late fall and early winter—the bright green leaves will stand out against any snow or wintery backdrop.

The thing is, even though finding it is easy, harvesting it is an activity perfect for those up for a little challenge and adventure. If the mistletoe shrub is growing up high, you’ll have to get creative in your climbing or harvesting skills. Then gather it all in plastic bags, take it home and let the arts and crafts begin.

*Some people even go so far as to grow their own mistletoe.

Find more information from the USDA Forest Service’s Mistletoe Center. You can also reach them at (928) 556-2001.