Creating Accessible Websites

May 5th, 2011



The majority of web developers are not familiar with designing for accessibility. Agencies must first make their web designers aware of accessibility and then steer them to design guides, references, and coding examples. One resource agencies can use is the Social Security Administration’s Accessibility Best Practices Library, which contains voluntary implementation guidelines to assist with solving common accessibility challenges.

Best Practice Guidelines

These guides have been vetted by the CIO Council Accessibility Committee and will assist developers in discovering up-to-date HTML coding techniques. Each best practice comprises the following:

  • A concise explanation of the problem addressed;
  • An interactive example showing the solution;
  • Real-world examples of common accessibility issues;
  • A detailed look at how the example was built;
  • Downloadable example code, style sheets, scripts, and images; and
  • Testing methods for each example.


SSA Accessibility Best Practices Library