
Engineering Science

The Engineering Science Research Foundation is leading engineering transitions in advanced, highly critical systems by integrating theory development, experimental discovery and diagnostics, modeling, and computational approaches to refine our understanding of complex behavior in engineered systems.

Why our work matters

Revolutionizing the fundamental understanding of complex engineered systems can lead to enhancements that will bolster our national security stance for decades to come.

Our unique value

  • Leading-edge work on physical phenomena at the continuum and near-continuum scale
  • Engineering expertise in national security systems that is second to none
  • Foundational knowledge across multiple disciplines, including solid mechanics, fluid mechanics of reacting and nonreacting systems, structural dynamics, thermal and combustion sciences, aerodynamics, shock physics and energetics, and electromagnetic sciences
  • Corporate expertise in materials sciences, nanosciences, and microsciences
  • Advanced and unique facilities and equipment, including high-performance computing and world-class modeling, simulation, and visualization capabilities

Our approach

Computer simulation

Simulation of a shock tube experiment showing the evolution of the instability produced by the interaction of a shock with a fluid interface.


Increase the use and impact of computational simulation throughout Sandia programs


  • Provide predictive simulations with quantified margins and uncertainties
  • Improve our ability to address high-impact, coupled-physics simulations
  • Increase the use of computational modeling as a discovery tool for driving experiments

Engineering analysis

Contact fuse at impact—4M+ element model of W76 using 32-64 nodes of ASCI White.


Deliver critical engineering analyses in a timeframe consistent with design requirements


  • Drive the integration of physical and computational simulation
  • Ensure that physical simulations (experiments) support the development of computational simulations
  • Improve our capability for characterizing combined operational environments to provide more realistic evaluations of system performance

Advancement of engineering sciences

The VIEWS Corridor at Sandia National Laboratories, NM, displays its first 60 megapixel image.


Achieve national leadership in advancing engineering sciences


  • Drive innovation in key engineering science disciplines
  • Build partnerships/collaborations with recognized leaders in engineering sciences to advance our capabilities
  • Achieve broad success in traditional metrics: publications and citations, professional leadership, keynote presentations, patents, and awards