RSS News Feeds and Podcasts

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To simply read the content of an RSS feed or podcast, just click on one of the feed or podcast names below. If you want to receive updated feeds or podcasts automatically, you'll need to subscribe to them using a feed reader or podcast software.

To subscribe to a feed, either (1) copy and paste the URL into your feed reader or podcast software or (2) or use the One-Click Subscriptions link that corresponds to your software.

RSS Feeds and Podcasts One-Click Subscriptions
News and Features
The latest news and features from ORNL
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
Jobs at ORNL
The latest job openings at ORNL
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
Story Tips
Story ideas based on ORNL research
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
ORNL Review
The lab's research and development magazine
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
DOE Pulse
Highlights of research being done at the Department of Energy's national laboratories
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
National Center for Computational Sciences News
The latest news from the NCCS
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
Neutron Sciences News
News items about or related to neutron sciences. These items do not reflect the opinions or views of ORNL staff or management
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
ORNL in the News
News items about or related to ORNL. These items do not reflect the opinions or views of ORNL staff or management.
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
Technical Calendar
Technical meetings, events, and presentations
 My Yahoo! · Google Reader
Podcast of Audio News
Podcast of selected news items from ORNL for iPods and other handheld devices that play MP3 files
iTunes · My Yahoo! · Google Reader

A little more information...

What is an RSS feed?

"RSS" is short for "Really Simple Syndication," "RDF Site Summary," or "Rich Site Summary"--depending on who you want to believe. RSS feeds often include headlines, news, events, blog entries, recent excerpts from discussion forums--usually information that is updated fairly frequently.

An RSS feed is just a simple way to summarize and share web-based information. The RSS file isn't made for people to read; it's basically a "news map" designed to be read by a piece of software and then re-published in a people-friendly format.

Individuals often use RSS "feed readers" to keep up with breaking news or recent developments related to topics they're interested in. Media organizations use the feeds both to monitor news and as another means of delivering their content to consumers.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is an audio and/or video file that can be downloaded to a portable digital audio player (also known as an MP3 player). The word "podcast" is a combination of the terms "iPod" (Apple's portable digital audio player) and "broadcast." The subject matter of podcasts is often news, events, and commentary on current events.

The advantage of podcasts is that they can be downloaded to portable digital audio players, enabling podcast users to listen to or watch podcasts wherever and whenever they like. As is the case with RSS feeds, an increasing number of media organizations are using podcasts to deliver their content to consumers.

RSS Feed Readers (RSS and XML feeds)

RSS feed readers or aggregators are available, often for free, from a number of sources. Wikipedia provides a fairly detailed overview of RSS feeds and readers, as does c|net..

The folks at FirstGov provide a simple tutorial that should help you get you up to speed with feed readers. BBC News provides a similarly useful primer.

Podcast Software (MP3 podcasts)

Podcast software is available, often for free, from a number of sources. Wikipedia provides a useful overview of podcasting and podcast software. Apple's iTunes software is also available as a free download.

The FirstGov website provides a simple tutorial that should help you get you up to speed with downloading and consuming podcasts.