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RSICC marks its 50th year
Radiation Safety Information Computational Center originated with a President's Advisory Council proposal to deal with a scientific information 'crisis'

Oct. 9, 2012 — One of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's longest-running institutions, the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC), has its golden anniversary in November. To celebrate the Laboratory hosted a recognition ceremony on October 9 with Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Peter Lyons keynoting the event.

The RSICC's logo reflects its reach within the global scientific community.
SNS researchers overcome the freezing sample problem in biostudies
Lithium chloride enables neutron studies of protein/solvent interactions at supercold temperatures

Sep. 13, 2012 — Researchers at the Spallation Neutron Source BASIS beam line at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have successfully developed a method to study biomolecules (proteins) at temperatures far below freezing using a lithium chloride preparation in the aqueous solvent that prevents freezing.

Eugene Mamontov, lead instrument scientist at the Spallation Neutron Source's Backscattering Spectrometer, has developed a method to study biological samples at supercold temperatures.