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photo: Secretary Salazar speaks at wildlife refuge commemorationSecretary Salazar Joins State and Local Officials to Celebrate First Urban Widlife Refuge in the Southwest

Secretary Salazar joined state and local officials to celebrate the new Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge just south of Albuquerque, on land formerly operated by Price's Dairy. More...

photo: View of Echo Dam embankment from left side of spillway Progress on Seismic Stability Enhancement Work Underway at Echo Dam Continues Ahead of Schedule

Seismic stability enhancement work at Echo Dam in northern Utah, continues ahead of schedule. Potentially liquefiable foundation materials have been replaced and stability berms are being constructed. More...

photo: Biologist holds Western yellow-billed cuckoo Reclamation Biologist Participates in Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Migration Study Featured in Magazine

A biologist from Reclamation's Albuquerque Area Office participated in a migration study featured recently in Western Bird magazine involving 13 breeding Western yellow-billed cuckoo birds near Elephant Butte Reservoir.


Last updated: October 16, 2012