Occupational Safety & Health Administration


Process: Rigging

U.S. Department of Labor

Hazard: Traumatic/Acute Injury

four graphcis - steel plate broke loose and fatally crushed the welderworker tack welding


A worker was tack welding shell plating on a unit while a crane was moving other steel plates close by. While bringing the hook back for another load, the crane operator failed to clear the shell plate that was just erected and which the welder had just tacked. The steel plate broke loose and fatally crushed the welder.

Source: http://www.osha.gov/video/shipyard_accidents/index.html
OSHA Video: Examining Fatal Shipyard Accidents

Analysis and Preventive Measures

Communication between a rigger and a crane operator is critical to the safety of all shipyard workers. Riggers and crane operators need to understand how their operations may have safety consequences for everyone in the area.

Never swing loads over personnel working
Unused slings and lines should be secured prior to moving the load

Crane operators should assess and recognize potential hazards before starting work
Crane Operators should keep visual contact with nearby workersPre-plan work and pre-position material
