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U.S. Pacific Command - Honolulu, HI

U.S. Pacific Command
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  • Government Organization
    U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) is a Unified Combatant Command of the Armed Forces of the United States. This is the official Facebook page of U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM).
  1. Recent Posts by Others on U.S. Pacific CommandSee All
    • Bowo Neza Vanesa
      ~September~ adalah awal dari 'Pemfitnahan' dan 'Pembunuhan' jutaan jiwa kaum Komunis Indonesia (pembela kelas bawah) yg disertai runtuhnya kekuasaan tokoh pendiri NASAKOM (bung Karno). Tragedi ini merupakan murni 'Politik' yg paling 'Sukses' sekaligus yg paling 'Kotor' yg dilakukan kaumKapitalis America (C.I.A) dan Soeharto dalam sejarah Indonesia sepanjang masa.. . #VIVA COMUNISTA
      7 hours ago
    •  MR3 USS Turner Joy (DD-951) 1980-1982 By the way...go make a profile here and you can find a lot of your old shipmates: http://navy.togetherweserved.com/usn/servlet/tws.webapp.WebApp?cmd=JoinNow&finderID=507197&siteName=USN
      11 · September 7 at 9:19am
  2. All military installations in Hawaii are participating in a mass flu vaccination exercise September 18 - 20. All uniformed military and emergency essential civilians will be getting their annual flu vaccine during the exercise.

    Drivers may experience additional traffic around the vaccination areas. Please allow extra drive time during the exercise.

    If you have any medical appointments during those days, you may experience longer wait times as clinics have reduced medical staffing. (ab)
  3. All military installations in Hawaii are participating in a mass flu vaccination exercise September 18-20. All uniformed military and emergency essential civilians will be getting their annual flu vaccine during the exercise.

    Drivers may experience additional traffic around the vaccination areas. Please allow extra drive time during the exercise.

    If you have any medical appointments during those days, you may experience longer wait times as clinics have reduced medical staffing. (ab)
  4. Philippines, US test pandemic preparedness during the first Philippine Multi-sectoral Pandemic Disaster Exercise, September 10-14, 2012. The Pandemic Disaster Exercise is funded by the U.S. Government, through the United States Agency for ...
    International Development and sponsored by U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM). This exercise is facilitated by the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC), U.S. Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC), the International Medical Corps PREPARE (Pandemic Preparedness) Project, and supported by the Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine (CDHAM). As with other bilateral exchanges, this event reinforces the mutual commitment shared between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States to enhance effective response capabilities to regional threats. (ab)
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  5. By the Flight Line... (ab)
    Photo: By the Flight Line... (ab)
  6. The U.S. encourages Singapore to continue to be a fully committed strategic partner and provide expanded military access and cooperation as a means to promote regional security, maintain a healthy strategic balance in Asia, and support U.S. security cooperation activities in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. (ab)
  7. Live Fire Complex... (ab)
    Photo: Live Fire Complex... (ab)
  8. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2012 – President Barack Obama, commander in chief of the nation’s armed forces, led a remembrance ceremony today at the Pentagon Memorial, 11 years to the day since terrorists crashed passenger jets into the western side of the U.S. defense headquarters, the top stories of the World Trade Center’s towers in New York, and the soil of a field near Shanksville, Pa., killing a total of 2,996 people. (ab)
  9. U.S. military operations in the Asia-Pacific region are routine and are consistent with the forward presence we have maintained in the region for decades. Joint exercises allow the U.S. military the opportunity to integrate Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps assets in a blue-water environment; training together during exercises, such as Valiant Shield, refines the military’s ability to present a seamless joint force and respond to any contingency in a timely manner. (ab)
  10. "We hope to partner with India to share the strategic landscape as it applies to how we apply security to the globe that allows prosperity and peace, freedom of movement and prosperity in the world." - ADM Samuel J. Locklear III, during an interview with American Forces Press Service, August 14, 2012. (ab)
  11. Sailing off into the sunset... (ab)
    Photo: Sailing off into the sunset... (ab)
  12. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2012 – President Barack Obama today signed a proclamation designating tomorrow’s 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States as Patriot Day and National Day of Remembrance. (ab)

    Here is the president’s proclamation:
  13. MANILA, Philippines - More than 175 representatives of Philippine public and private entities, as well as partners from select U.S. government agencies, are meeting this week to work together and strengthen the country’s overall pandemic preparedness, in a U.S. funded event that promotes a “whole-of-society” approach to mitigating pandemic events and natural disasters. (ab)
  14. DAVAO, Philippines — A US navy surveillance plane joined Philippine security forces Thursday in an exercise aimed at safeguarding coastal areas in the strife-torn south, the Filipino exercise director said. (ab)
  15. "Our friends in Singapore, Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand and Thailand are taking part in naval exercise, named Kakadu, in Darwin from Aug. 29 to Sept. 15. Since 1992, these countries have been performing this exercise whi...
    ch increases interoperability with ships, submarines, and aircraft. Such multilateral exercises increase trust and understanding as we work together to address common security challenges." (ab)
    See More
  16. CAMP SMITH, Hawaii, Sept. 5, 2012 – As they reach out to long-time allies and new partners alike to increase regional engagement through U.S. Pacific Command’s exercise program, officials are finding that one of the biggest enticements is a common threat: Mother Nature. (ab)
  17. WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2012 – Though no Defense Department personnel or their families were exposed to radiation causing adverse health conditions following the nuclear accident in Japan last year, the department has established a registry to provide information to those who served in the stricken country. (ab)
  18. The Korean Marine Exchange Program’s overarching goal is to enhance and improve the tactical interoperability of ROK and U.S. Marine Corps forces. KMEP 12-8 is a regularly-scheduled, combined training exercise, which enhances the combat readiness and interoperability of ROK-U.S. Marine Corps forces. It is just one in a series of continuous combined training exercises designed to enhance the ROK-U.S. alliance, promote stability on the Korean Peninsula, and strengthen ROK-U.S. military capabilities and interoperability. (ab)
  19. Teak Knife is regularly scheduled training event designed to enhance the readiness of U.S. and ROK forces to defend the Republic of Korea and sustain the capabilities which strengthen the ROK-U.S. Alliance. The exercise further contributes toward the Republic of Korea taking the lead for the combined defense of the ROK in 2015. Teak Knife 12-3 integrates U.S. and ROK forces to train on close air support missions to ensure mutual understanding and trust between the two nations. (ab)
  20. The Alliance between the U.S. and Japan supports our shared interests and values and is rooted in the enduring friendship among our citizens. This friendship is made stronger by our common commitment to democratic ideals, universal human rights, individual liberty, and the rule of law. (ab)
  21. Through the Looking Glass... (ab)
    Photo: Through the Looking Glass... (ab)
  22. Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III told American Forces Press Service his theater engagement plan centers on strengthening the U.S. alliances with Australia, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand. “These alliances are historic, and...
    they underpin our strategy in the region,” he said.

    “We are going to put more time and effort into making sure that those relationships are built for the future,” the admiral said. “The challenge is, how do we ensure that they are durable and satisfactory for the security challenges of the region?”
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  23. "The Philippines-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty relationship is strong and very important to both nations. The Mutual Defense Treaty dictates that both nations would support each other if either the Philippines or the United States were to be attacked by an external party." (ab)
  24. Mined Obstacle Course... (ab)
    Photo: Mined Obstacle Course... (ab)
  25. Ulchi Freedom Guardian is a routine, defense-oriented exercise developed around realistic scenarios designed to defend the ROK, protect the region, and maintain stability on the Korean peninsula. It is a realistic training event focused on preparing, preventing and prevailing against the full range of current and future threats to the Republic of Korea and the region. (ab)
  26. Through the Looking Glass... (ab)
    Photo: Through the Looking Glass... (ab)
  27. Ulchi Freedom Guardian is a routine, defense-oriented exercise developed around realistic scenarios designed to defend the ROK, protect the region, and maintain stability on the Korean peninsula. It is a realistic training event focused on preparing, preventing and prevailing against the full range of current and future threats to the Republic of Korea and the region. (ab)
  28. USS Port Royal (CG 73) hosted a tour for 30 high level military, civilian and academic professionals attending the Symposium on East Asia Security (SEAS), Aug. 22.

    The shipboard tour allowed SEAS members to gain a better understanding of U...
    .S. military capabilities to support multilateral disaster response and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region.

    This year's SEAS includes participants from 23 countries and reinforces cooperation in strengthening disaster mitigation, preparedness and response as well as highlighting security issues within the region....
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  29. Playing Paddy Cake... (ab)
    Photo: Playing Paddy Cake... (ab)
  30. As the United States and South Korea observe the 59th anniversary of the armistice that brought an unofficial end to the Korean War, their forces are sharpening their defensive capabilities through the Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise.

    than 30,000 U.S. and South Korean service members are participating in what Army Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of Combined Forces Command, called “a key exercise in strengthening the readiness” of the two militaries.
    See More
  31. Walking on the.... Moon? (ab)
    Photo: Walking on the.... Moon? (ab)
  32. U.S.- Thailand mil-to-mil relationship remains strong and mutually beneficial and is founded on shared strategic perspectives that support US interests. Thailand will increasingly serve as a platform/stage for regional engagement and the development of partnering nations. (ab)
  33. Replenishment at sea.... (ab)
    Photo: Replenishment at sea.... (ab)

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