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How to Find 10- or 30-hour Outreach Classes

There are a few ways in which workers can find 10-and 30-hour Construction and General Industry outreach training classes
  • Outreach Training Website
    OutreachTrainers.org is a free website that assists workers looking for 10-and 30-hour outreach training classes. OSHA encourages authorized outreach trainers to add their trainer profile and training schedules to the site. The site allows those seeking outreach training to search for trainers and schedules based on type of training and proximity.
  • Active Outreach Trainer Lists
    Contact information on active outreach trainers is available to those looking to take outreach training classes. The lists are to be used to contact trainers about their outreach training plans. The lists are not provided for any other purpose. To obtain lists, contact a local Authorizing Training Organization. In many cases, the Authorizing Training Organization can only provide contact information on active trainers that have given them permission to share information with third parties. All dissemination information is subject to the privacy polices of these respective organizations.

    Provide the following information:
    • State(s)
    • Area of training – Construction, General Industry, Maritime, or Disaster Site
    • Your e-mail, fax number or mailing address
    If your request covers multiple regions, send an e-mail request.

  • OTI Education Centers may also offer the 10- and 30-hour training.
  • Search your OSHA Consultation office for outreach training that they may have scheduled.
  • Take the training online. If you have any questions about online training, please send an e-mail.