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Financial Benefits and Loan Deferment

During Service

Pay and Living Expenses

The Peace Corps provides Volunteers with a living allowance that enables one to live in a manner similar to the local people in his or her community, covering housing, food, and incidentals. It provides complete dental and medical care during service, including shots, vaccinations, and medicines. It also covers the cost of transportation to and from the country of service. Unlike other international volunteer programs, there is not a fee to participate in the Peace Corps.

Deferment and Cancellation of Student Loans

Volunteers with Perkins loans may be eligible for a partial cancellation benefit. School loan deferments exist for several federal programs (i.e., Stafford, Perkins, direct, and consolidated loans). Some commercial loans may also be deferred during Peace Corps service. Because the rules that authorize deferment are complicated and subject to change, it is best to talk to your lending institution about how this benefit applies to your particular situation.

Vacation Time and Visits

Volunteers receive two vacation days per month of serviceóa total of 48 days over two years. Many use this time to travel to nearby countries. Some invite family or friends to visit so they can share their experience of the host country. And, of course, Volunteers can use this time for a visit home (at their own expense).

After Service

Earn Funds for Transition

The Peace Corps recognizes that returning from overseas requires some adjustment, so when you complete your 27 months of service, it provides $7,425 (pre-tax) to help with the transition to life back home. This money is yours to use as you wish.

Instructions for Student Loans
Learn how Peace Corps service affects loan deferment, interest payment, and more.
Loan Deferment FAQ
Find answers to your loan deferment questions.

Last updated Aug 10 2012

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Peace Corps Catalog

Learn all about Peace Corps service and see if it's a good fit for you in this 44-page PDF (5mb).
(updated 2/12)

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