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Gen. James D. Thurman

Commander UNC/CFC/USFK

Gen. James D. Thurman

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United Nations Command | US/ROK Combined Forces Command | United States Forces Korea

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GEN. James D. Thurman
Commander UNC/CFC/USFK

Office DSN: 315-725-6001
Office COMM: 011-822-7915-6001
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Executive Officer to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-725-6001
Office COMM: 011-822-7925-6001
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Assistant Executive Officer to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-725-3737
Office COMM: 011-822-7915-3737
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Pilot to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-741-6509
Office COMM: 011-823-1720-6509
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Communications Officer to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-723-8935
Office COMM: 011-822-7913-8935
Fax DSN: 315-723-9137
Fax Comm: 011-822-7913-9137

(US) Aide-de-Camp to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-725-6052
Office COMM: 011-822-7915-6052
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

(ROK) Aide-de-Camp to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-725-6055
Office COMM: 011-822-7915-6055
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Flagwriter to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-725-3143
Office COMM: 011-822-7915-3143
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Senior Admin NCOIC to the Commander
Office DSN: 315-725-7255
Office COMM: 011-822-7915-7255
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

International Relations Officer
Office DSN: 315-723-8243
Office COMM: 011-822-7913-8243
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468

Language Specialist Officer
Office DSN: 315-725-7244
Office COMM: 011-822-7913-8243
Fax DSN: 315-725-6468
Fax Comm: 011-822-7915-6468