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Who Should and Should Not Be Vaccinated

While many vaccines are routinely recommended for most people, some are intended only for children and some only for adults. Talk with your health care provider about your specific health conditions to get the correct vaccine recommendations that are safe for you. You can also learn more about specific health conditions that indicate you may need to delay or not get some vaccines by reading the package inserts on the Vaccine Approvals page.

Who Should NOT Get Vaccinated with these Vaccines?

 Anthrax vaccine

Some people should not get anthrax vaccine.
  • Anyone who has had a serious allergic reaction to a previous dose of anthrax vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Anyone who has a severe allergy to any vaccine component should not get a dose. Tell your provider if you have any severe allergies, including latex.
  • If you have ever had Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS), your provider might recommend not getting anthrax vaccine.
  • If you have a moderate or severe illness your provider might ask you to wait until you recover to get the vaccine. People with mild illness can usually be vaccinated.
  • Vaccination may be recommended for pregnant women who have been exposed to anthrax and are at risk of developing inhalation disease. Nursing mothers may safely be given anthrax vaccine.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 72KB]
(This information taken from Anthrax VIS dated 3/10/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 DTaP vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & acellular Pertussis)

Some children should not get DTaP vaccine or should wait.
  • Children with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated. But children who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait until they recover before getting DTaP vaccine.
  • Any child who had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of DTaP should not get another dose.
  • Any child who suffered a brain or nervous system disease within 7 days after a dose of DTaP should not get another dose.
  • Talk with your doctor if your child:
    • had a seizure or collapsed after a dose of DTaP
    • cried non-stop for 3 hours or more after a dose of DTaP
    • had a fever over 105 degrees Fahrenheit after a dose of DTaP.

Ask your health care provider for more information. Some of these children should not get another dose of pertussis vaccine, but may get a vaccine without pertussis, called DT. DTaP should not be given to anyone 7 years of age or older.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 43KB]
(This information taken from DTaP VIS dated 5/17/07. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Hepatitis A vaccine

Some people should not get hepatitis A vaccine or should wait.
  • Anyone who has ever had a severe (life-threatening) allergic reaction to a previous dose of hepatitis A vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Anyone who has a severe (life threatening) allergy to any vaccine component should not get the vaccine. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies. All hepatitis A vaccines contain alum and some hepatitis A vaccines contain 2-phenoxyethanol.
  • Anyone who is moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should probably wait until they recover. Ask your doctor or nurse. People with a mild illness can usually get the vaccine.
  • Tell your doctor if you are pregnant. The safety of hepatitis A vaccine for pregnant women has not been determined. But there is no evidence that it is harmful to either pregnant women or their unborn babies. The risk, if any, is thought to be very low.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 68KB]
(This information taken from Hepatitis A VIS dated 3/27/06. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Hepatitis B vaccine

Some people should not get hepatitis B vaccine or should wait.
  • Anyone with a life-threatening allergy to baker’s yeast, or to any other component of the vaccine, should not get hepatitis B vaccine. Tell your provider if you have any severe allergies.
  • Anyone who has had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous dose of hepatitis B vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Anyone who is moderately or severely ill when a dose of vaccine is scheduled should probably wait until they recover before getting the vaccine.

Your provider can give you more information about these precautions.

Pregnant women who need protection from HBV infection may be vaccinated.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 66KB]
(This information taken from Hepatitis B VIS dated 7/18/07. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Hib vaccine

Some people should not get Hib vaccine or should wait.
  • People who have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous dose of Hib vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Children less than 6 weeks of age should not get Hib vaccine.
  • People who are moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting Hib vaccine.

Ask your doctor or nurse for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 65KB]
(This information taken from Hib VIS dated 12/16/98. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 HPV-Cervarix (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine

Some people should not get HPV vaccine or should wait.
  • Anyone who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any component of HPV vaccine, or to a previous dose of HPV vaccine, should not get the vaccine. Tell your doctor if the person getting vaccinated has any severe allergies, including an allergy to latex.
  • HPV vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women. However, receiving HPV vaccine when pregnant is not a reason to consider terminating the pregnancy. Women who are breast feeding may get the vaccine.

    Any woman who learns she was pregnant when she got this HPV vaccine is encouraged to contact the manufacturer’s HPV in pregnancy registry at 888-452-9622. This will help us learn how pregnant women respond to the vaccine.

  • People who are mildly ill when a dose of HPV vaccine is planned can still be vaccinated. People with a moderate or severe illness should wait until they are better.

This information was taken directly from the HPV-Cervarix VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 60KB]
(This information taken from HPV VIS dated 5/3/11. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 HPV-Gardasil (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine

Some people should not get HPV vaccine or should wait.
  • Anyone who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any component of HPV vaccine, or to a previous dose of HPV vaccine, should not get the vaccine. Tell your doctor if the person getting vaccinated has any severe allergies, including an allergy to yeast.
  • HPV vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women. However, receiving HPV vaccine when pregnant is not a reason to consider terminating the pregnancy. Women who are breast feeding may get the vaccine.

    Any woman who learns she was pregnant when she got this HPV vaccine is encouraged to contact the manufacturer’s HPV in pregnancy registry at 800-986-8999. This will help us learn how pregnant women respond to the vaccine.
  • People who are mildly ill when a dose of HPV vaccine is planned can still be vaccinated. People with a moderate or severe illness should wait until they are better.

This information was taken directly from the HPV-Gardasil VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 65KB]
(This information taken from HPV VIS dated 5/3/11. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Influenza (inactivated) vaccine

Some people should not get inactivated influenza vaccine or should wait.

  • Tell your health care provider if you have any severe (life-threatening) allergies. Allergic reactions to influenza vaccine are rare.
    • Influenza vaccine virus is grown in eggs. People with a severe egg allergy should not get influenza vaccine.
    • A severe allergy to any vaccine component is also a reason not to get the vaccine.
    • If you ever had a severe reaction after a dose of influenza vaccine, tell your health care provider.
  • Tell your health care provider if you ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a severe paralytic illness, also called GBS). Your provider will help you decide whether the vaccine is recommended for you.
  • People who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait until they recover before getting flu vaccine. If you are ill, talk to your health care provider about whether to reschedule the vaccination. People with a mild illness can usually get the vaccine.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 74KB]
(This information taken from Inactivated Influenza VIS dated 8/10/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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Influenza (live) vaccine

Some people should not receive LAIV.

LAIV is not recommended for everyone. The following people should get the inactivated vaccine (flu shot) instead:

  • Adults 50 years of age and older or children from 6 months through 23 months of age. (Children younger than 6 months should not get either influenza vaccine.)
  • Children younger than 5 years with asthma or one or more episodes of wheezing within the past year.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People who have long-term health problems with:
    • heart disease
    • kidney or liver disease
    • lung disease
    • metabolic disease, such as diabetes
    • asthma
    • anemia, and other blood disorders
  • Anyone with certain muscle or nerve disorders (such as seizure disorders or cerebral palsy) that can lead to breathing or swallowing problems.
  • Anyone with a weakened immune system.
  • Anyone in close contact with someone whose immune system is so weak they require care in a protected environment (such as a bone marrow transplant unit). Close contacts of other people with a weakened immune system (such as those with HIV) may receive LAIV. Healthcare personnel in neonatal intensive care units or oncology clinics may receive LAIV.
  • Children or adolescents on long-term aspirin treatment.
  • Tell your doctor if you ever had Guillain-Barré syndrome (a severe paralytic illness also called GBS). You may be able to get the vaccine, but your doctor should help you make the decision.

Tell your healthcare provider if you have any severe (lifethreatening)
allergies. Allergic reactions to infl uenza vaccine are rare.

  • Influenza vaccine virus is grown in eggs. People with a severe egg allergy should not get infl uenza vaccine.
  • A severe allergy to any vaccine component is also a reason not to get the vaccine.
  • If you ever had a severe reaction after a dose of influenza vaccine, tell your health care provider.

Tell your healthcare provider if you ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a severe paralytic illness, also called GBS). Your provider will help you decide whether the vaccine is
recommended for you.

Tell your health care provider if you have gotten any other vaccines in the past 4 weeks.

Anyone with a nasal condition serious enough to make breathing difficult, such as a very stuffy nose, should get the flu shot instead.

People who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait until they recover before getting flu vaccine. If you are ill, talk to your healthcare provider about whether to reschedule the vaccination. People with a mild illness can usually get the vaccine

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 70KB]
(This information taken from Live Influenza VIS dated 8/10/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 JE Ixiaro (Japanese Encephalitis) vaccine

Who should not get Japanese encephalitis vaccine?
  • Anyone who has ever had a life-threatening reaction to a previous dose of this JE vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Anyone who has a life-threatening allergy to any vaccine component should not get the vaccine. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies.
  • Pregnant women should generally not get JE vaccine. But if you are pregnant, check with your doctor. It could be recommended under certain circumstances.

If you will be traveling for fewer than 30 days, especially if you will be staying in major urban areas, tell your doctor. You may be at lower risk and not need the vaccine.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 67KB]
(This information taken from Japanese Encephalitis VIS dated 3/1/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella ) vaccine

Some people should not get MMR vaccine or should wait.
  • People should not get MMR vaccine who have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin, the antibiotic neomycin, or to a previous dose of MMR vaccine.
  • People who are moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting MMR vaccine.
  • Pregnant women should wait to get MMR vaccine until after they have given birth. Women should avoid getting pregnant for 4 weeks after getting MMR vaccine.
  • Some people should check with their doctor about whether they should get MMR vaccine, including anyone who:
    • Has HIV/AIDS, or another disease that affects the immune system
    • Is being treated with drugs that affect the immune system, such as steroids, for 2 weeks or longer.
    • Has any kind of cancer
    • Is taking cancer treatment with x-rays or drugs
    • Has ever had a low platelet count (a blood disorder)
  • People who recently had a transfusion or were given other blood products should ask their doctor when they may get MMR vaccine.

Ask your provider for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 54KB]
(This information taken from MMR VIS dated 3/13/08. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 MMRV (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella) vaccine

Children should not get MMRV vaccine if they:
  • Have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous dose of MMRV vaccine, or to either MMR or varicella vaccine.
  • Have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine, including gelatin or the antibiotic neomycin. Tell the doctor if your child has any severe allergies.
  • Have HIV/AIDS, or another disease that affects the immune system.
  • Are being treated with drugs that affect the immune system, including high doses of oral steroids for 2 weeks or longer.
  • Have any kind of cancer.
  • Are being treated for cancer with radiation or drugs.
Check with your doctor if the child:
  • Has a history of seizures, or has a parent, brother or sister with a history of seizures.
  • Has a parent, brother or sister with a history of immune system problems.
  • Has ever had a low platelet count, or another blood disorder.
  • Recently had a transfusion or received other blood products.
  • Might be pregnant.

Children who are moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting MMRV vaccine. Children who are only mildly ill may usually get the vaccine.

Ask your provider for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 242KB]
(This information taken from MMRV VIS dated 5/21/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Meningococcal vaccine

Some people should not get meningococcal vaccine or should wait.
  • Anyone who has ever had a severe (life-threatening) allergic reaction to a previous dose of either meningococcal vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Anyone who has a severe (life threatening) allergy to any vaccine component should not get the vaccine. Tell your provider if you have any severe allergies.
  • Anyone who is moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should probably wait until they recover. Ask your provider. People with a mild illness can usually get the vaccine.
  • Anyone who has ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome should talk with their provider before getting MCV4.
  • Meningococcal vaccines may be given to pregnant women. However, MCV4 is a new vaccine and has not been studied in pregnant women as much as MPSV4 has. It should be used only if clearly needed.
  • Meningococcal vaccines may be given at the same time as other vaccines.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 62KB]
(This information taken from Meningococcal VIS dated 1/28/08. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 PCV13 (Pneumococcal Conjugate) vaccine

Some children should not get PCV13 or should wait.

Children should not get PCV13 if they had a serious (life-threatening) allergic reaction to a previous dose of this vaccine, to PCV7, or to any vaccine containing diphtheria toxoid (for example, DTaP).

Children who are known to have a severe allergy to ay component of PCV7 or PCV13 should not get PCV13. Tell your healthcare provider if your child has any severe allergies.

Children with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated. But children who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait until they recover before getting the vaccine.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 31KB]
(This information taken from PCV13 VIS dated 4/16/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 PPV23 (Pneumococcal Polysaccharide) vaccine

Some people should not get PPSV or should wait:
  • Anyone who has had a life-threatening allergic reaction to PPSV should not get another dose.
  • Anyone who has a severe allergy to any component of a vaccine should not get that vaccine. Tell your provider if you have any severe allergies.
  • Anyone who is moderately or severely ill when the shot is scheduled may be asked to wait until they recover before getting the vaccine. Someone with a mild illness can usually be vaccinated.
  • Although there is no evidence that PPSV is harmful to either a pregnant woman or to her fetus, as a precaution, women with conditions that put them at risk for pneumococcal disease should be vaccinated before becoming pregnant, if possible.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 121KB]
(This information taken from PPSV VIS dated 10/6/09. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Polio vaccine

Some people should not get IPV or should wait.

These people should not get IPV:

  • Anyone who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to the antibiotics neomycin, streptomycin or polymyxin B should not get the polio shot.
  • Anyone who has a severe allergic reaction to a polio shot should not get another one.

These people should wait:

  • Anyone who is moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting polio vaccine. People with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated.

Ask your health care provider for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 60KB]
(This information taken from IPV VIS dated 1/1/00. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Rabies vaccine

Talk with a doctor before getting rabies vaccine if you:
  1. ever had a serious (life-threatening) allergic reaction to a previous dose of rabies vaccine, or to any component of the vaccine; tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies,
  2. have a weakened immune system because of:
    • HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system,
    • treatment with drugs that affect the immune system, such as steroids,
    • cancer, or cancer treatment with radiation or drugs.

If you have a minor illness, such as a cold, you can be vaccinated. If you are moderately or severely ill, you should probably wait until you recover before getting a routine (non-exposure) dose of rabies vaccine.

If you have been exposed to rabies virus, you should get the vaccine regardless of any other illnesses you may have.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 58KB]
(This information taken from Rabies VIS dated 10/6/09. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Rotavirus vaccine

Some people should not get rotavirus vaccine or should wait.
  • A baby who has had a severe (life-threatening) allergic reaction to a dose of rotavirus vaccine should not get another dose. A baby who has a severe (life- threatening) allergy to any component of rotavirus vaccine should not get the vaccine. Tell your doctor if your baby has any severe allergies that you know of, including a severe allergy to latex.
  • Babies with “severe combined immunodeficiency” (SCID) should not get rotavirus vaccine.
  • Babies with mild illnesses can usually get the vaccine. Babies who are moderately or severely ill should probably wait until they recover. This includes babies who have moderate or severe diarrhea or vomiting. Ask your doctor or nurse.
  • Check with your doctor if your baby’s immune system is weakened because of:
    • HIV/AIDS, or any other disease that affects the immune system
    • treatment with drugs such as long-term steroids
    • cancer, or cancer treatment with radiation or drugs
  • Tell your doctor if your baby has ever had intussusception, a type of bowel blockage that is treated in a hospital.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 66KB]
(This information taken from Rotavirus VIS dated 12/6/10. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

See also: MMWR, Addition of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency as a Contraindication for Administration of Rotavirus VaccineNEW June 2010

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 Shingles (Herpes Zoster) vaccine

Some people should not get shingles vaccine or should wait.

A person should not get shingles vaccine who:

  • has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin, the antibiotic neomycin, or any other component of shingles vaccine. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies.
  • has a weakened immune system because of current:
    • AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system,
    • treatment with drugs that affect the immune system, such as prolonged use of high-dose steroids,
    • cancer treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy,
    • cancer affecting the bone marrow or lymphatic system, such as leukemia or lymphoma.
  • is pregnant, or might be pregnant. Women should not become pregnant until at least 4 weeks after getting shingles vaccines.

Someone with a minor acute illness, such as a cold, may be vaccinated. But anyone with a moderate or severe acute illness should usually wait until they recover before getting the vaccine. This includes anyone with a temperature of 101.3° F or higher.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 47KB]
(This information taken from Shingles VIS dated 10/6/09. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Smallpox (Vaccinia) vaccine

This medication guide replaces the Smallpox VIS. It is to be used before one receives the vaccination. Medical Guide for vaccination with ACAM2000Adobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 227KB]

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 Td (Adult Tetanus & Diphtheria) vaccine AND
Tdap vaccine (Combined Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis)

Some people should not be vaccinated or should wait.
  • Anyone who has had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of DTP, DTaP, DT, or Td should not get Td or Tdap.
  • Anyone who has a severe allergy to any component of a vaccine should not get that vaccine. Tell your provider if the person getting the vaccine has any severe allergies.
  • Anyone who had a coma, or long or multiple seizures within 7 days after a dose of DTP or DTaP should not get Tdap, unless a cause other than the vaccine was found (these people can get Td).
  • Talk to your provider if the person getting either vaccine:
    • has epilepsy or another nervous system problem,
    • had severe swelling or severe pain after a previous dose of DTP, DTaP, DT, Td, or Tdap vaccine, or
    • has had Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS).

Anyone who has a moderate or severe illness on the day the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting Tdap or Td vaccine. A person with a mild-illness or low fever can usually be vaccinated.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 47KB]
(This information taken from Td-Tdap VIS dated 11/18/08. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Typhoid vaccine

Some people should not get typhoid vaccine or should wait.

Inactivated Typhoid Vaccine (Shot)

  • Anyone who has had a severe reaction to a previous dose of this vaccine should not get another dose.

Live Typhoid Vaccine (Oral)

  • Anyone who has had a severe reaction to a previous dose of this vaccine should not get another dose.
  • Anyone whose immune system is weakened should not get this vaccine. They should get the inactivated typhoid vaccine instead. These people include anyone who:
    • Has HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system.
    • Is being treated with drugs that affect the immune system, such as steroids, for 2 weeks or longer.
    • Has any kind of cancer.
    • Is taking cancer treatment with x-rays or drugs.
  • Oral typhoid vaccine should not be given within 24 hours of certain antibiotics.

Ask your doctor or nurse for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 47KB]
(This information taken from Typhoid VIS dated 5/19/04. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine

Some people should not get chickenpox vaccine or should wait.
  • People should not get chickenpox vaccine if they have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous dose of chickenpox vaccine or to gelatin or the antibiotic neomycin.
  • People who are moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting chickenpox vaccine.
  • Pregnant women should wait to get chickenpox vaccine until after they have given birth. Women should not get pregnant for 1 month after getting chickenpox vaccine.
  • Some people should check with their doctor about whether they should get chickenpox vaccine, including anyone who:
    • Has HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system
    • Is being treated with drugs that affect the immune system, such as steroids, for 2 weeks or longer
    • Has any kind of cancer
    • Is getting cancer treatment with radiation or drugs
  • People who recently had a transfusion or were given other blood products should ask their doctor when they may get chickenpox vaccine.

Ask your provider for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 43KB]
(This information taken from Varicella VIS dated 3/13/08. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

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 Yellow Fever vaccine

Who should not get the yellow fever vaccine?
  • Anyone with a severe (life-threatening) allergy to any component of the vaccine, including eggs, chicken proteins, or gelatin, or who has had a severe allergic reaction to a previous dose of yellow fever vaccine should not get yellow fever vaccine. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies.
  • Infants younger than 6 months of age should not get the vaccine.
  • Tell your doctor if:
    • You have HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system.
    • Your immune system is weakened as a result of cancer or other medical conditions, a transplant, or radiation or drug treatment (such as steroids, cancer chemotherapy, or other drugs that affect immune cell function).
    • Your thymus has been removed or you have a thymus disorder, such as myasthenia gravis, DiGeorge syndrome, or thymoma.

      Your doctor will help you decide whether you can receive the vaccine.
  • Adults 60 years of age and older who cannot avoid travel to a yellow fever area should discuss vaccination with their doctor. They might be at increased risk for severe problems following vaccination.
  • Infants 6 through 8 months of age, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should avoid or postpone travel to an area where there is risk of yellow fever. If travel cannot be avoided, discuss vaccination with your doctor.

If you cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons but require proof of yellow fever vaccination for travel, your doctor can give you a waiver letter if he considers the risk acceptably low. If you plan to use a waiver, you should also contact the embassy of the countries you plan to visit for more information.

This information was taken directly from the VISAdobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file[PDF - 36KB]
(This information taken from Yellow Fever VIS dated 3/30/11. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

Accessibility Note: All .pdf links provided on this page are available in text-only format for text reader devices on the main VIS page.

Last syndicated: August 29, 2012
This content is brought to you by: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)