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Third Goal

“The logic of the Peace Corps is that someday we are going to bring it home to America.”

President John F. Kennedy

Peace Corps service continues long after Volunteers leave their posts. President Kennedy stated that the Third Goal of the Peace Corps is to "strengthen Americans' understanding about the world and its peoples." By sharing their Peace Corps experience and host country culture, returned and current Volunteers, as well as friends of the Peace Corps, can support the Third Goal commitment throughout the year and especially during Peace Corps Week.

Browse further for creative ideas and suggestions by Volunteers. You'll also find pictures, and free items for download to help you keep the Peace Corps experience alive for your audience. New items will be added frequently, so check back often!

What is the Third Goal?
Learn about the Peace Corps' Third Goal and why it is important.
Third Goal Spotlight
See how members of the Peace Corps community are furthering the Third Goal, and share your own experiences!
Third Goal Activity Suggestions and Resources
Learn how you can plan and participate in Third Goal activities. Get the latest "How To" Kits for suggestions and best practices.
Peace Corps Week
Promote world peace and friendship during Peace Corps Week—and all year long—with a Third Goal activity!
Third Goal Activity Registration
Register your Third Goal participation. Registrants will receive a FREE Third Goal Kit to supplement your event or activity.
Coverdell World Wise Schools
A plethora of tools to help you integrate global issues and cultural awareness into the classroom.

Last updated Jul 17 2012

Register Your Participation

Help the Peace Corps demonstrate the impact of the Third Goal.

Registrants will receive a FREE Third Goal Kit to supplement your event or activity.

Register Now


Contact Us

For more information about Third Goal activities, please contact:

Peace Corps Office of Third Goal and Returned Volunteer Services
1111 20th St. NW
Washington, DC 20526

IncreasePeace-Peace Corps recruitment program

RVS Video

Bringing The World Home Video