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Office of Justice Programs

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  • Overview
  • Eligibility & Criteria
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Apply for Training by Request

OVC, through OVC TTAC, provides training on an array of instructor-led topics relevant to the field of victim services.

OVC offers Training by Request as an option for program leaders who wish to organize a specific training for their own region.

Your organization may request any training listed in the OVC TTAC Trainings Catalog – to be held no sooner than 135 days (4.5 months) from the date of your request – NO EXCEPTIONS.

OVC TTAC will provide instructors, an onsite coordinator, all training materials for the instructors, and a Participant Manual for each participant at no cost to you or to the participants.

Typical registration fees for standardized OVC TTAC trainings are $40 per day of training per person (i.e., a 2-day training costs $80 per person). For a Training by Request event, OVC agrees to waive the per-person cost in order to help you put on a training in your own community. You will be responsible for covering any costs of the training facility, audio-visual and equipment.

OVC TTAC will identify and pay the instructors for Training by Request events. Approved instructors are familiar with the standardized training curricula and, in many cases, helped to develop the materials.

OVC TTAC will disseminate training evaluation forms to all participants, and will collect and analyze the evaluation data. The evaluation report will be available to you following the training delivery.

To gain full benefit from these trainings, participants must attend in person. Because OVC’s trainings are based on adult learning theory, much of a participant’s learning occurs as a result of activities and interactions with other participants and the instructors. For this reason, OVC does not make training materials (either electronic or paper-based) available to those who do not attend trainings.

OVC views Trainings by Request as opportunities for collaboration with program managers working in the field.

Your organization's name and logo can appear as the "Host" on all marketing materials you develop. You will need to submit written marketing materials (paper or electronic) to OVC TTAC for approval prior to disseminating. The OVC-approved training description cannot be modified.

OVC appreciates the opportunity to collaborate with victim assistance programs across the country to provide standardized trainings. Before you apply for Training by Request in your community, please review the following information to make sure that your request will meet the eligibility requirements.

  • Guarantee a minimum number of participants to attend the training. Participants may be from your agency and/or from a coalition of local or regional agencies. The minimum and maximum numbers may vary by training, but average from a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 40 participants. OVC TTAC can provide guidance on optimum numbers for each training topic.
  • Coordinate local marketing, send invitations and/or marketing materials that include the requirements for successful completion of the training, and create the participant registration list and name tags.
  • Provide a complete participant contact list and submit to OVC TTAC 3 weeks prior to the training. This is so that OVC TTAC can arrange to provide CEUs/certificates for those trainings that award CEUs three weeks after the conclusion of the training event.
  • Secure an appropriate training facility that meets OVC TTAC facility requirements (criteria will be provided), at no cost to OVC TTAC. You will be asked to submit facility photos in lieu of a site visit by OVC TTAC. Secure a backup facility in the event of an emergency that precludes the use of the original facility. The training facility should be within close proximity to reasonable-priced restaurants if the requestor is not providing a free or participant-paid lunch.
  • Provide audio-visual equipment and Internet connection at no cost to OVC TTAC. Audio-visual equipment includes a laptop with MS Office 2007 Word and PowerPoint, an LCD projector and screen, external speakers so that video clips will be audible, flipcharts, easels, and markers.
  • Provide on-site copying services in order for the on-site coordinator to make any necessary copies for the CEU purposes.
  • Identify a suitable hotel near the training facility for housing the OVC TTAC instructors, an onsite coordinator, and training participants who may need overnight accommodations at the prevailing government rate. OVC TTAC will cover lodging fees for instructors and the onsite coordinator. You will need to inform your participants from out of town of the recommended hotel so they can make reservations.
  • Provide information about ground transportation options to and from the training facility if not at a local hotel.
  • Confirm the minimum number of participants 3 weeks prior to the start date of the training date. In the event that OVC TTAC must cancel instructors due to lack of participants, you will be ineligible to apply for Training by Request for 24 months.

Your organization (or coalition from the same area) is eligible to receive 1 (one) Training by Request within a 12-month period. It is to your benefit to work with your local/regional program managers, State Victim Assistance Academy leaders, and VOCA administrators to ensure that you make the most of your opportunity by only requesting a training that is truly needed in your area, and that has the greatest chance of attracting the required number of participants.

What training topics can be requested?

  • OVC TTAC provides instructor-led trainings on an array of topics relevant to the field of victim services. All TBR is intended to assist requesting organizations in improving direct services to victims of crime. Available training topics include:
    • Compassion Fatigue/Vicarious Trauma (1.1 CEUs)
    • Curriculum Design for Victim Service Providers (1.4 CEUs)
    • DNA in Sexual Assault Cases: The Role of Law Enforcement, SAFE/SANE Nurses, and Victim Advocates (1.3 CEUs)
    • Enforcing Victims’ Rights (1.3 CEUs)
    • Grant Writing and Other Funding Strategies for Victim Service Providers (1.4 CEUs)
    • Identifying and Responding to Elder Abuse (1.3 CEUs)
    • Leadership in Victim Services (1.3 CEUs)
    • Program Evaluation (1.2 CEUs)
    • Providing Culturally Competent Services to Victims of Crime (1.5 CEUs)
    • Serving LGBTQ Victims of Crime (0 CEUs)
    • Serving Survivors of Homicide (0 CEUs)
    • Sexual Assault Advocate/Counselor Training (1.2 CEUs)
    • Strategic Planning for Victim Service Leaders (1.2 CEUs)
    • Strengthening Military-Civilian Community Partnerships to Respond to Sexual Assault (0 CEUs)
    • Supporting Children Living with Grief and Trauma: A Multidisciplinary Approach (1.3 CEUs)
    • Supporting Crime Victims with Disabilities (2.0 CEUs)
    • The Ultimate Trainer (1.5 CEUs)
  • More information about the listed training topics can be found in the on-line Trainings Catalog.

Who is eligible for Training by Request?

Any victim service providers, criminal justice professionals, and allied (e.g., mental health, medical, clergy) professionals can apply for TBR. Public agencies, nonprofits, or other organizations providing services to victims are eligible to apply for TBR as well.

* Federal agencies should contact OVC TTAC directly if they are interested in bringing OVC trainings to their

What is the difference between Training by Request and Customized Training and Technical Assistance?

Training by Request applicants are only eligible to apply for the approved Instructor-Led trainings that are listed in the catalog above. Customization of Training by Request curriculum is not available. Customized Training and Technical assistance request applicants are not able to apply for the instructor-led trainings listed in the training catalog, although the general topic can be customized and requested as long as the training objectives and description are unique to the requesting agency (for example: victims’ rights, compassion fatigue / resiliency, cultural competency).

What does OVC TTAC provide for Training by Request?

OVC TTAC will provide instructor(s), an on-site coordinator, all training materials for the instructors and a Participant Manual for each participant at no cost to the local requester.

Why are Training by Request applications due 135 days prior to the event date?

TBR applications are due at least 135 days prior to the date of the event to (1) ensure that OVC TTAC has enough time to process your request, (2) ensure that OVC has enough time to review the application and make a funding decision, and (3) complete the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) mandatory pre-approval. OVC TTAC must receive your complete and accurate application at least 135 days prior to the date TBR is needed – NO EXCEPTIONS.

How often can my organization request Training by Request?

A requestor (or coalition from the same area) can only receive Training by Request once within a 12-month period. It is to the benefit of the requester to coordinate closely with their local/regional victim assistance program managers, State Victim Assistance Academy leaders, VOCA administrators, state domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions, and Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces, etc., to ensure that they make the most of their opportunity by only requesting a training (a) that is truly needed in that area, (b) where the requester has the greatest chance of meeting the minimum number of participants required, and (c) to ensure that the training has a diversity of participants. In addition to ensuring a more successful and engaging training, such collaborative efforts will support local networking and communication efforts.

If my organization already received OVC funding for training and technical assistance within the last 12 months, can I apply again?

No. If your organization recently received OVC funding for training and technical assistance, you are not able to apply again unless the two events are at least 12 months apart.

I am an OVC discretionary grantee. Can I still apply for OVC TTAC assistance?

Yes, but OVC TTAC will contact your OVC grant monitor to determine if you are eligible for OVC TTAC funds.

Can my organization receive an OVC Crime Victim/Survivor Scholarship, Training by Request (TBR) and Customized Training and Technical Assistance Program award in the same year?

No, only one OVC Crime Victim/Survivor Scholarship, TBR or Customized Training and Technical Assistance award may be awarded to a single organization in a 12-month period from the start date of the organization's last OVC-supported event.

Can we earn continuing education units (CEUs) for Trainings by Request?

The OVC TTAC Training Catalog details which trainings provide an opportunity to earn CEUs. After a training is approved, an email will be sent to all participants detailing learning objectives, program content, learning outcomes and expectations, CEU FAQs and requirements including pre-assignments and a mandatory pre- and post-assessment. The OVC TTAC on-site coordinator will supervise the on-site CEU process and will make participants aware of all onsite requirements for CEUs. Any questions regarding the CEU pre- and post-training can be directed to

Can participants receive a scholarship to attend Training by Request?

Yes. Participants can apply for a Professional Development scholarship to attend Training by Request. In order to apply for a scholarship, please visit the Professional Development Scholarship section.

Can I download electronic copies of the Training by Request materials if I am not able to host or attend Training by Request?

OVC's trainings are based on adult learning theory and much of the participants' learning occurs as a result of learning activities and interactions with other participants and instructors. To benefit from our trainings, participants must attend in person. For this reason, OVC and OVC TTAC do not make training materials (either electronic or paper-based) available to those who do not attend trainings.

Do I have to host Training by Request in a hotel?

No, the training facility does not have to be a hotel. The facility for Training by Request must be secured at no cost to OVC TTAC and meet the facility requirements (see page 4 of the Training by Request Application). Some examples of other successful training facilities include: Conference Rooms inside an office building, donated office space, church basement facility, etc.

Does the Training by Request applicant have to be present during the training?

Yes. The Training by Request applicant must be present for the entire training. This helps with the training’s quality control as well as having the ability to observe the training in its entirety.

How are the consultants/trainers chosen?

OVC TTAC maintains a database of skilled consultants and experienced trainers that are experienced in delivering OVC Instructor-Led training topics. Upon receipt of your application, an OVC TTAC Training Delivery Specialist will match your organization's needs with three qualified, enrolled consultant candidates. OVC makes the final decisions on the consultant assigned to complete the TBR.

How will I know that OVC TTAC has received my application?

Upon the receipt of your TBR application, OVC TTAC sends a confirmation notice via e-mail within 48 hours. If you have not provided an e-mail address, OVC TTAC will fax the confirmation notice. If you do not receive a confirmation in the specified timeframe, please contact OVC TTAC immediately.

What happens after I submit my application?

OVC TTAC assigns your application to a Training Delivery Specialist for processing. The Training Delivery Specialist will contact you to conduct a needs assessment and will work with you to locate an enrolled OVC TTAC consultant to fulfill your request. The Training Delivery Specialist will compile all the information regarding your application and send it to OVC. OVC will review the application materials and make a decision. Once OVC makes a funding and consultant decision, your Training Delivery Specialist will contact you.

Who makes the decision on TBR applications?

OVC makes all final TBR application approval decisions and consultant selection.

How long does it take for OVC to make a funding decision?

In general, OVC and DOJ make a funding decision in 4-5 weeks of OVC TTAC's submission of the final and complete application file for OVC and DOJ reviews. Please note that it can take OVC TTAC up to 3 weeks to finalize your application paperwork before submitting it to OVC for approval.

If the application is approved, how are the consultants and on-site coordinator fees and travel expenses handled?

OVC TTAC will contract directly with the consultant and work with the on-site coordinator for all expenses (e.g., lodging, consulting fees, airfare, M&IE).

If OVC approves my application, what are my organization's responsibilities to OVC TTAC?

Your organization will be responsible for keeping your Training Delivery Specialist informed of any changes with your event (e.g., event date change, workshop time change, cancellation, postponement, training location), obtaining and sending to OVC TTAC a list of training attendees, and completing a feedback form and returning it to OVC TTAC after the event.

Organizations may request any training listed in the OVC TTAC Trainings Catalog – to be held no sooner than 135 days (4.5 months) from the date of your request - NO EXCEPTIONS.

Apply by Mail

Download and complete the application form below:

Training by Request Application (PDF 71 kb)

Send your application to OVC TTAC at the address, e-mail, or fax listed below:

U.S. mail: OVC TTAC
Training by Request
9300 Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031

Scan and E-mail:

Fax: 703-225-2338

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