NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

Image of a ship navigating

SWPC Navigation Systems Page

PURPOSE: To provide data on the state of the space environment that may affect the proper operation of navigation systems. Click on the appropriate system for more information on conditions that may impact its' operation.

To assist in better understanding the text descriptions, SWPC provides you with a glossary of space environment terms.

Current Space Environment Alerts & Warnings

Longer Term Space Environment Outlooks

Weekly Summary and 27-Day Forecast

27-Day 10.7 cm, Ap, and Max Kp Outlook

Follow the Progress of the Sunspot Cycle

ISES Solar Cycle Prediction

DISCLAIMER This SWPC data base is real-time and is not recommended for research, since the values are preliminary. The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) is the national archive of data approved for research.

Updated: October 1, 2007