Technical Calendar

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A Note to Foreign Nationals:
At least twenty-four hours prior to attending a seminar, make sure you have access to the building where it is being held. A workstation in the ORNL Visitor Center can read your prox card and display the buildings that you are able to enter. If the building where the seminar is being held is not listed, you will need to see your supervisor or host to arrange a “nonintent change” for access to the building. (Being escorted is not allowed as a substitute for getting proper permission.)

Technical Calendar entries for on-site meetings require the name and phone number and/or e-mail address of an ORNL contact person. You may either use one contact for all meetings sponsored by your division or use a specific contact for each meeting.

Monday, October 15

Is NO Oxidation to NO2 the Rate-Determining
Step of the Standard SCR Reaction?
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Enrico Tronconi, Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes, Milan, Italy
NTRC Seminar
9:00 AM — 10:00 AM, National Transportation Research Center,
Conference Room D01
Contact: Bill Partridge ( ), 865.946.1234

High-Temperature Nanomechanics   calendar icon
Javier Llorca, IMDEA Materials Institute and Polytechnic University, Madrid, Spain
Materials Science and Technology Division Seminar
10:00 AM — 11:00 AM, High Temperature Materials Laboratory (Building 4515), Room 114
Contact: Edgar Lara-Curzio (, 865.574.1749

Probing the Enhanced Superconductivity and
Chiral Edge Current in Sr2RuO4
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Yiqun Alex Ying, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Spallation Neutron Source Seminar
1:30 PM — 2:30 PM, Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences (Building 8630),
Room A-202
Contact: Steve Nagler (, 865.574.5240

Thursday, October 18

Bioenergy Expansion: A Wildlife Perspective   calendar icon
Robert Fletcher, University of Florida, Gainesville
Center for Bioenergy Sustainability Seminar
3:30 PM — 5:00 PM, Building 1505, Room 189
Contact: Jennifer Smith (, 865.574.8452

Friday, October 19

What's Best for Your Home?
Evaluating Home Energy Saving Strategies
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Bruce Glanville, Building Analyst, Knoxville
US Green Building Council, East Tennessee Chapter, presentation
11:30 AM — 1:00 PM, Knoxville Chamber of Commerce,
17 Market Square #201
Contact: ETUSGBC (,

Saving Orphan Bears and Returning Them to the Wild   calendar icon
Dana Dodd, Appalachian Bear Rescue, Townsend, Tennessee
UT Science Forum Seminar
12:00 PM — 1:00 PM, Thompson-Boling Arena, Dining Eoom C-D,
The Universtiy of Tennessee, Knoxville
Contact: Mark Littmann (, 865.974.8156

Monday, October 22

The Search for Optimal Superconductors: "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"   calendar icon
Emilia Morosan, Rice University, Houston, Texas
Materials Science and Technology Division Seminar
11:00 AM — 12:00 PM, Chemical and Material Sciences Building (4100), Room J-302
Contact: Michael McGuire (, 865.574.5496

Tuesday, October 23

AACE, East Tennessee Section, Fall Social   calendar icon
Annual section social, for members and prospective members
Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering,
East Tennessee Section, Fall Social
6:00 PM — 8:00 PM, Calhoun's Turkey Creek, Knoxville
RSVP. Drinks and appetizers served.
Contact: Candy Slagle (, 865.576.2855

Wednesday, October 24

Semiclassical Computation of High-Frequency
Waves in Heterogeneous Media
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Shi Jin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and
The University of Wisconsin, Madison
Computer Science and Mathematics Division Seminar
10:00 AM — 11:00 AM, Research Office Building (5700), Room L-202
Contact: Clayton Webster (, 865.574.3649

Thursday, October 25

Asymptotic-Preserving Schemes for Boltzmann Equation
and Relative Problems with Stiff Sources
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Shi Jin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison
Computer Science and Mathematics Division Seminar
10:00 AM — 11:00 AM, Research Office Building (5700), Room L-202
Contact: Clayton Webster (, 865.574.3649

Monday, October 29

Transforming Computing Algorithms and Paradigms
in HPC to Enable More Science out of
Our Day-to-Day Simulations
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Michela Taufer, The University of Delaware, Newark
Computer Science and Mathematics Division Seminar
1:00 PM — 2:00 PM, Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (Building 5100) Auditorium (Room 128)
Contact: Lora Wolfe (, 865.576.6184

Tuesday, October 30

The Atmospheric Chemistry and Canopy Exchange Simulation System (ACCESS):
Motivation, Model Description and Initial Results
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Rick D. Saylor , NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division , Oak Ridge
Environmental Sciences Division Seminar
11:00 AM — 12:00 PM, Building 1520, Beech River Conference Room (202)
Contact: Meng-Dawn Cheng (, 865.241.5918