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Gates Stresses Reflection in Memorial Day Message

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 25, 2011 – In his final Memorial Day message as his June 30 retirement nears, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called on service members to reflect on their comrades who have died in service to the nation.

Here is the text of the secretary’s video message:

For many Americans, Memorial Day is a respite from work. But it should be foremost an occasion to reflect, to remember and to honor all those who have fought and died in defense of our nation. It is also a day to remember family members, who in recent years have borne the brunt of repeated deployments.

Memorial Day must not be the only day in which we keep our troops -- men and women like you -- in our thoughts. We must always recognize that this generation, like so many before, is keeping watch and serving in faraway lands.

It has been my greatest honor to serve and to lead you as secretary of defense. Virtually every day since taking this post, I have written condolence letters to the families of the fallen. I will always keep all of you in my heart and in my prayers as long as I live -- as should all Americans. Thanks for listening.

Robert M. Gates

Related Sites:
Video Memorial Day Message


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