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S'pore, Indonesia complete humanitarian programme in Pulau Belitung
Posted: 17 October 2011 1559 hrs

  The RSN and TNI AL?s medical team attending to the local residents at a medical outpost at Pulau Belitung, Indonesia. (Photo credit: MINDEF)
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SINGAPORE: About 200 officers from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) have completed a seven-day humanitarian assistance programme with members of the Indonesian navy (TNI AL) at Pulau Belitung, an island off the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.

The programme, codenamed Surya Bhaskara Jaya, began on October 11 and ended on Monday.

The officers provided surgeries on board the Republic of Singapore Navy's Landing Ship Tank RSS Endurance and the Indonesian navy's hospital ship, KRI Suharso.

Besides providing social assistance, primary health and dental care to residents, the officers also distributed essential food items such as rice, sugar, salt and cooking oil.

The Republic of Singapore Navy has been taking part in the programme since it was first invited to do so in 1997.

MINDEF said the RSN's participation highlights the excellent ties between the two navies.



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