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United States Forces Korea Commander observes training

By Maj. Gabriel Zinni Warrior Brigade PAO

POCHEON, South Korea – General James D. Thurman, commander United States Forces Korea, visited the Rodriguez Multi-purpose Range Complex Thursday to observe training and meet with Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, “Gimlets,” 25th Infantry Division, here from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, to conduct combined training with Republic of Korea Army units as part of the annual Foal Eagle exercise 2012.

Thurman was accompanied by Maj. Gen. Yang Gu Lee, deputy chief of staff, combined forces command Korea.  Thurman and Lee observed a U.S. and ROK Army defensive training scenario executed by combined elements of B Company, 52nd Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Tank Company, 56th Battalion, 9th Regiment of the ROK Army.   The generals also had the opportunity to observed team live-fire training conducted by Soldiers from C Company, 21st Inf. Regt.

" We really appreciate the invitation to participate in FE '12,” said  Lt. Col. Tim Hayden, commander 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.   “This training deployment has allowed us to validate our deployment readiness systems, train in unfamiliar and very challenging terrain, employ all our weapon systems and capabilities in combined arms training, and execute combined training with our ROK partners. This has been a tremendous experience for the battalion. The facilities and support here are world class and my leaders and Soldiers are taking every opportunity they can to use them while we are here.  We look forward to opportunities to train here in the future. "

Following each training event visit, Thurman presented coins for excellence to Soldiers who were selected by their leadership for their outstanding performance.

“Squads, platoons and companies are what make the difference,” Thurman said. “These training events are excellent opportunities to get our Soldiers and our partners on the terrain together to build confidence through combined team building events,” he added.