Congressmen Visit Humphreys

By W. Wayne Marlow
From U.S. Army

CAMP HUMPHREYS  - Two U.S. Congressmen got a look at the housing units under construction during a visit here Feb. 22.

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen of New Jersey and Rep. Kenneth Calvert of California also received aerial and windshield tours and a look at the Humphreys Super Gym.

The Congressmen were also given a brief on Humphreys transformation by Col. Joseph P. Moore, United States Army Garrison Humphreys commander.

According to Moore, the number of Soldiers stationed at Humphreys is expected to grow in the coming years by 238 percent, from 6,670 to 22,497, and the number of families is on track to grow by 1,270 percent.

Joining the Congressmen were Lt. Gen. John Johnson, Eighth Army commander, and Brig. Gen. Timothy Edens, deputy commander for support for the 2nd Infantry Division.

In the housing tour, Frelinghuysen and Calvert got a chance to see the facilities that Soldiers and families will call home.

The tour also included a stop by barracks under construction that will eventually house single Soldiers.

Both Congressmen remarked how impressed they were with the modern, vibrant look of the units and said it was good to see that Soldiers and families are being taken care of.

The visit ended with lunch at the Red Dragon Dining Facility, with the Congressmen having a meal with Soldiers from their home states.

This article was originally published at:

-PACOM: (posted March 1, 2012)-

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