Navy FAQ: Navy Memorial

The Navy Memorial

The Navy Memorial
701 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20004

The United States Navy Memorial Foundation -- a private, non-profit educational foundation, not part of the U.S. Navy -- maintains a database of those who have served in the Sea Services and who have contributed to the building of the Memorial or on whose behalf a contribution has been made. This database, the Navy Memorial Log, is now online on the Internet as well as being accessible by visitors to the Navy Memorial via interactive television screens in the Memorial's Naval Heritage Center. Each entry includes name, date and place of birth, period of service, and highest rate/rank attained. A photograph may also be entered into the Navy Memorial Log. (Photographs are not yet available for viewing on the Memorial's web page, just the Log text for now.) If you or a family member or a friend have served with the Sea Services (Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, the reserve components of these, or the Merchant Marine) and would like to be entered in this database, please contact the Navy Memorial at 202-737-2300, extension 730.

For more information about the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation, visit their web site.