'Navy has no wish to play 'super-cop' role in Indian ocean region'

TNN Dec 20, 2010, 12.27am IST

PUNE: The Indian Navy has no desire to play the role of super-policemen' in the Indian ocean region, but it will always be committed to protecting the country's sovereignty and security, besides responding to any sea-borne threat or situation, said Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma here on Sunday.

The naval chief has also highlighted the significance of developing a sea-borne strategic nuclear deterrence as part of efforts to safeguard the country's vast coastline.

"More than being super-policemen', the Indian Navy sees itself as playing the role of a net provider of security and will put a specific emphasis on cooperation with other countries in the Indian ocean region," he said, while addressing the 17th anniversary of the Indian Maritime Foundation.

Speaking on India's role in the Indian ocean Strategic challenges and opportunities in the decade ahead', Verma said that providing security remains the most serious challenge before the navy and the same also influences other challenges, viz. protecting economic interests and marine natural resources as well as building a sound maritime infrastructure.

He said, "The Indian ocean remains the third-largest region covering 20 per cent of water on earth. It involves as many as 25 countries, including six island nations, and is among the busiest sea lines of commercial interest, besides serving as a key transit provider to several countries across continents."

Post-cold war era, an increasing number of countries have emerged to challenge the US pre-eminence and the emerging geo-politics will largely influence the challenges vis-?-vis security, economy, natural resources and infrastructure, he said. "The impact of inter-play between US and China in particular will influence the new geo-political dynamics in the region."

Sea-borne terrorism, as manifested in the 26/11 attack on Mumbai, has ensured that security issues have become more complex. "Unlike land, detecting and combating sea-borne threat is more serious, as there cannot be physical boundaries on the seas," he said.

The enormous task of protecting 7,500 km of coastline and interacting and coordinating with the multitudes of central and state agencies, remains a challenge that the navy is steadily working on, said. "A national maritime domain awareness infrastructure will be in place in the next two years, to ensure that all these issues are dealt with more effectively."

Verma also stressed on the need to build a sound maritime infrastructure including those related to ship-building, repairs, research and development, among others, besides the need for the country to engage in growing cooperation with other nations for countering problems like piracy and to protect marine natural resources.

Maritime foundation president Commodore (retd) Rajan Vir made the introductory remarks. Former Air Chief Marshal H Moolgavkar, former Naval Chief Jayant Nadkarni, National Defence Academy Commandant Vice-Admiral Satish Soni, were among the prominent persons present on the occasion.
