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Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands 50-Meter Wind Resource Map

Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands wind resource map. Click on the image to view a larger version.Enlarge image

This Puerto Rico wind map and the U.S. Virgin Islands wind map shows the wind resource at 50 meters. Download a printable map. If you have a disability and need assistance reading the wind map, please email the webmaster.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Wind Program and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) published a wind resource map for Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. This map is a key piece of understanding the wind resource potential from a development, policy, and a jobs and economic development impact perspective.

About the 50-Meter Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Wind Resource Map

This resource map shows wind speed estimates at 50 meters (m) above the ground and depicts the resource that could be used for community-scale wind development using wind turbines at 50-60-m hub heights. Future plans are to provide wind speed estimates at 30 meters, which are useful for identifying small wind turbine opportunities.

As a renewable resource, wind is classified according to wind power classes, which are based on typical wind speeds. These classes range from Class 1 (the lowest) to Class 7 (the highest). In general, at 50 meters, wind power Class 4 or higher can be useful for generating wind power with turbines in the 250-kW to 750-kW rating. Class 4 and above are considered good resources. Given the advances in technology, a number of locations in the Class 3 areas may suitable for the new midsize wind turbines.

The map indicates that Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands have wind resources that can be considered for community-scale production. The best wind resource areas are concentrated on the highest ridge crests and on exposed capes.

Note: Wind resource at a micro level can vary significantly; therefore, you should get a professional evaluation of your specific area of interest.