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National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

repo mp250 image
Electronic Structures and Properties of Complex Ceramic Crystals and Novel Materials (mp250)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences InvestigatorWai-Yim Ching Compute Cores23,040
Project ClassDOE Base Organization University of Missouri - Kansas City Core Hrs Requested552,960
Science AreaMaterials Science ComputerHopper Core Hours Used
repo mp241 image
Direct Numerical Simulations of Clean and Efficient Combustion with Alternative Fuels (mp241)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences InvestigatorJacqueline Chen Compute Cores21,960
Project ClassDOE Base Organization Sandia National Laboratories - California Core Hrs Requested790,560
Science AreaCombustion ComputerHopper Core Hours Used
repo mp193 image
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (mp193)
DOE Office Biological & Environmental Research InvestigatorJames S. Boyle Compute Cores7,680
Project ClassDOE Base Organization Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Core Hrs Requested368,638
Science AreaClimate Research ComputerHopper Core Hours Used
repo planck image
Cosmic Microwave Background Data Analysis For The Planck Satellite Mission (planck)
DOE Office High Energy Physics InvestigatorJulian D. Borrill Compute Cores6,144
Project ClassDOE Base Organization Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Core Hrs Requested36,864
Science AreaAstrophysics ComputerHopper Core Hours Used
repo m41 image
Computational Atomic Physics for Fusion Energy (m41)
DOE Office Fusion Energy Sciences InvestigatorMichael S. Pindzola Compute Cores2,304
Project ClassDOE Base Organization Auburn University Core Hrs Requested49,536
Science AreaFusion Energy ComputerHopper Core Hours Used
repo m372 image
Large Scale 3D Geophsycial Inversion & Imaging (m372)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences InvestigatorGregory A. Newman Compute Cores472
Project ClassDOE Base Organization Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Core Hrs Requested11,328
Science AreaGeoscience ComputerCarver Core Hours Used
repo m891 image
Spin-lattice Coupling in Magnetic Phase Transition (m891)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences InvestigatorYi Wang Compute Cores256
Project ClassNISE project Organization Pennsylvania State University Core Hrs Requested9,216
Science AreaMaterials Science ComputerCarver Core Hours Used

HPC Systems


Cray XE6
Peak TFlop/s: 1,288
Installed: 2011
Cores in Use: 152,976 (99.8 %)
Jobs Running: 359
Jobs Queued: 2,762
Backlog: 21,492,560 core hours


IBM iDataPlex
Peak TFlop/s: 34
Installed: 2010
Cores in Use: 6,840 (86.3 %)
Jobs Running: 731
Jobs Queued: 1,403
Backlog: 600,882 core hours